Hey :] So I got this new phone .. A SE Z610i, but the problem is that it doesn't speak Danish. Well, it's not what bothers me the most, but it want it to be able to write in Danish with a Danish writing language. I've searched and searched, but I really can't find any program that makes that possible. SO: do any of you know what to do? I don't wanna pay for it, then I'd rather go buy a new phone :'D
I dont think you can alter your phone settings so that it changes languages. I think it is what you get Not entirely sure though!
I did a quick search @ howardforums and I got to here http://www.howardforums.com/showthread.php?t=1271679 It's something about adding chinese language... and it's possible, so logically, by extension, you should be able to do it with Danish. I don't know if you search around a bit more on the forums, or make an account and ask, but you should be able to get some help. Of course, there are probably some dangers with doing that to your phone, it might not work, it might void your warranty, etc.