Did you know if you type buuuurrrrrrrrp in Snowmuncher it will reduce your bloat by 50%? I got this from the wheel of knowledge and it works! Only once though.
Yeah A lot of neo games have little tricks like that. For example, if you type 'catapult' during Ultimate Bullseye, you get an extra powerup.
yeah there are loads of cheats like that check out this webpage if you want some more http://www.cnwcentral.com/neopets/gamecheats.shtml
Rider has a better version located here: http://www.neofriends.net/neopets-g...ash-game-cheats-t20350.html?hilit=game cheats
Thanks for the links! I knew about some of the codes, but I didn't know there were so many!! I have to try these out... w00t!! Please stop posting short, fast messages to obtain points. Try to expand on them a little, give more depth to your posts. We know you want to get points, but doing them in a more productive way would be much appreciated. Cheers