disable all downloads for people with negative rep

Discussion in 'Neofriends Help and Suggestions' started by Rise and Fall, Feb 13, 2010.

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  1. Rise and Fall

    Rise and Fall Level IV

    Dec 22, 2009
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    I've noticed a couple times some new people come here acting like idiots begging for free programs and they get -repped like crazy

    yet even though they are dumb and everybody hates them, they can still download stuff

    so disable downloads for anybody with negative rep if thats possible
  2. Junior

    Junior Administrator
    Staff Member

    Nov 8, 2009
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    I come from a land down under! (Maaaate!)
    That's actually not a bad idea at all..

    Would then also stop people spamming their way to blackmarket/downloads.

    Problem being, could we all be trusted with that kind of power? -repping to stop people downloading :p
  3. Tally

    Tally Level III

    Jul 21, 2009
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    That's a good idea, but I would say that there should be a a safety net for users who had just joined and were still learning the rules when they received their bad rep, so maybe users with only somthing like -10 rep or worse shouldn't be allowed to download.
  4. Commy

    Commy Moderator
    Staff Member

    Aug 11, 2007
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    If you do see a person spamming like crazy, your next action should be reporting like crazy. That way we can take the next action. The next action will usually be pointing them to the correct rules, removing all offending posts and removing points and programs.

    So if they do download expon's Igloo ABer for instance, they won't be authorised to use it once I remove it.

    I think that a person getting -20 rep is a bit harsh for being a noob, most of us have done a lot of spamming to get points when we first started out. It's a lot more permanent then getting a warning from us, and if everybody was so negrep happy, a lot of our users wouldn't even recover back to positive rep.
  5. americanpierg

    americanpierg Level III

    Mar 24, 2007
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    can you trust the common user with that sort of power? what prevents users from creating 1000 new accounts and negative repping everyone? this just adds to more things mods have to look over, make sure reps arent abused (which they have been for years now...just that they dont really serve a purpose so no one bothers to nag mods about them)

    of course, maybe im just biased

    about 40 of my 50 reps came from this comment

    ""Dude definately deserved. Some peope are way too rude on public transportation nowadays. Hopefully this teaches people some manners. I'm glad SOMEBODY finally decided to do something about it, a modern day Rosa Parks""

    also, when someones at -40 or so, theres some sort of impulse that says "negative rep me some more". theres some sort of weird joy in trying to get a number to go as high (or low in this case) as possible.

    so, if you dont like the color green, ur gonna get a neg rep from someone that loves the color green. if youre jewish and make a strong post supporting it, youre gonna get a neg rep from a christian that disagrees with you. bascially anti free speech. gotta live with it. until reps are monitored, this just cries "bad idea"

    adding some more interesting negative reps ive gotten

    on Wed Jul 02, 2008 7:51 am Overpricing "

    on Fri Jun 19, 2009 7:10 pm because i can. "
  6. Commy

    Commy Moderator
    Staff Member

    Aug 11, 2007
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    Just to clarify, new users do not actually have any rep power. They need posts to get rep power. Although person can make a dozen accounts, and post 50 posts to get 1 rep power without getting caught for spamming, I'd say the risks are low. Not impossible though.
    I'm not sure of your intention behind posting that comment, but for the topic it was inappropriate on a serious issue.
    Yes, especially if they see others of a higher rank doing it.
    If anybody feels that their rep was unjustly deserved, they can pm a mod to review what happened. If the rep was undeserved, we have the power to remove it.
    Yes, that's a case of abuse. You shouldn't have received neg rep for that. Rep removed. Regarding the other neg rep, the comment "because I can" wasn't appropriate, but it wasn't abuse, as it was regarding your previous post mentioned above.
  7. beast

    beast Newbie

    Mar 30, 2010
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    People gang up on one person for stupid reasons and destroy his/her chances of downloading though
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