scamming in any way is wrong scammed and hacked items/pets/accounts are not allowed here and not encouraged
Well, from what I've gathered, and believe me, that's not much, yes we do. Neopets is a pet site which people play on. Cheating on there is cheating on a virtual site. No one loses, it just makes TNT work harder to try and freeze us, which is perfectly fine. That's what they're paid for. However, scamming from another human being, who's worked toward getting what they have themselves, IS wrong. You may question whether it can be counted as wrong because they're 'just pixels', but the person has worked toward getting what they own, and that takes time, however long. Yes, it's just a silly pets site that we cheaters abuse horribly (I haven't touched an ABer for like nearly a year..!), but at the end of the day, time is money. And scamming is wrong. To be honest, it's quite lame scamming someone on a site aimed at 7 year olds anyways..
I personally don't scam. I may have you thinking that now, but i brought this question up because I've seen the phrase 'Dont cheat the player cheat the game' several times on cheating sites and they all frown upon it. But they still allow people to sell hacked pets, accounts, and items.
Well yeah, that's true. But totally pointless if they're gonna still allow those to be sold. We at have our morals sorted out.. because we're simply amazing.
Some site do allow you to sell hacked stuff however this site you are not allowed to sell any stolen neopoints, items, or accounts. We also dont encourage cracking accounts that are active.
other sites are retarded "feel free to scam anybody on neopets, but dont scam people on our website" its the stupidest thing ive ever seen, ive been a part of every cheat community, and NF is by far the best, look at the ban list on DZ and look at the ban list on NF, dzs ban list adds a page every day with scammers, multis, rep abuse, everything nf is simply mods banning eachother for lulz i think the way NF runs with the no scam/hacked/cracked policy is amazing, and gives "legit cheaters" better chances at making nps, and making money + weve got the best programs
Scamming is bad but some members here do it secretly. There's also a difference between scamming and cracking and cheating. Cracking isn't allowed anymore, scamming is just morally wrong and can be punished too (especially if made between members of the forum) and that's the story. :yup:
Actually to clarify in case of misunderstandings (if I'm wrong, please correct me XD). Cracking of ANYkind isn't allowed whether or not the account is active. Also, scamming is horrible! I love this site and the fact that I can trade with members knowing that I'm most likely safe. Furthermore, the iTrader system is much more indepth. Instead of saying meaningless things like "fast trade" you can actually see what people traded for and comments are just more detailed in general. I think that reflects a good thing about NF as a whole. On Neopets itself... scamming is just horrible! Why would you ever want to do that for your own personal gain or for fun or whatever other reason?! Scammers are sick! PS: I don't think CGing is that bad... although I don't ever want to be CG'd. Frankly if you're going to go offsite for some whatever reason and get CG'd then that's just stupid. Also, FF+NoScript ftw. And yes I'm aware CGing can be likened to scamming butI don't really want to get into a debate over this XD. Scamming is basically breaking someone's trust in you and CGing is more of exploiting someone's idiocy... even though scamming could also be defined that way... too confused I don't want to think about this anymore :back:
there have actually been many cases where the CGs are onsite, and that is when the mass CGing happens, when they manage to put cgs in shops, gallerys, lookups and so on is when a lot of people end up with their accounts stolen
as far as i know this is also a banned thing at NF, not allowed to buy or sell Cgs or cged accounts, pets, items