Do you think I'm safe yet or not?

Discussion in 'Neopets Chit-Chat' started by Anonymous, Jun 3, 2008.

  1. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Alright, recently, I was cheating on a flash game an accidentally went over a review score and had my score reviewed. Since I knew I would be iced, I transfered all the stuff over to a spare account. I waited about a day, then I made a "quitting board" and gave everything I had to my other spare, I used proxy the whole time while I was in my 2nd spare and I made sure I did not use proxy on my first spare, the account I was giving things away with. So, it should look liek two seperate people. Then, I self iced the account that had the score reviewed in.

    Should I be safe now or should I continue to use a proxy with my 2nd side (going to be my main) until my spare gets iced... it may not get iced though since I did self freeze my old main...

    (If this topic is in the wrong section, please move it and tell me, I wasn't sure where to put it)
  2. Zer0

    Zer0 Level IV

    Mar 2, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Home sweet home
    If you are ever thinking "am I safe or not?", remember, better safe than sorry. I would suggest not relating a supposedly "legit" account with an IP that has accounts that have been frozen. Ever.
  3. Adam

    Adam Level III

    Aug 14, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Suprisingly, if you get a score reviewed, if its not RIDICULOUS, (u no wat i mean, (10000 on meerca chase))... Ull probably be safe. Even if the score is ridiculous u might still get off the hook, as long as its not like ur 53rd reviewd score... Keep that in mind before giving urself all that work xD
  4. Ak*

    Ak* Level IV

    Dec 24, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Canada Eh!
    i think youll be fine i did the same thing win the daily dare was going i broke all of aaa's scores on mupltiple accounts and they were al frozen but the one i transfered all of the items to a spare acc the same way you did. Im safe and still have that account an it is full of daily dare prizes almost 10 of each ... they sell good too im just waiting for them to inflate loll...
  5. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    So, I should be fine to go on my 2nd spare on my main IP? Also, last time I had a score reviewed, it was probably like 50 points more than it should be (I forget what game it was, maybe hungry skeith) and both my spare and my main were iced...

    EDIT: I was good for almost a week but I got iced today. I thought it may of been because of me cheating on my new main but I checked my spare, which I had not been on since the say I transfered everything over and that was frozen too. Oh well, I'm done with neo.