If we had the ability to customize our lookups, kind of how we can on Neopets? We'd be able to show of our personalities and such Coments?
Sort of. I mean, I think that's what the point of a signature is on the forums, since lookups are kind of a rarely-visited deal =P but perhaps.
Yeah, they may be rarely visited, but I just though it could be something nice to have. That's a good point, if we can customize our forums,why not our look ups?
You mean like when you click the "profile" button underneath your post? I doubt we'll ever have anything like that. I've never /seen/ a forum that does that. Like Synidaeum said, your place to express yourself is in your avatar and your signature, because both of these are attached to every post you make. Forums in general are more content-based than user-based, and, again, like Synidaeum said, people barely ever visit profiles anyways. We've got far more important and dire things to worry about here at Neofriends.net
Yeah, I guess you're right, it's just the setup here at Neofrinds is such that the profiles are rarely visited, and it would be kind of a waste. Well I tried lol
More important things to worry about, like ABing items from shops until TNT gives up on freezing us and goes out for beers.
Lol, that would be the day... or until we figure out a way to AB as much as we won't withou ever getting cought.
Well, profiles aren't really a big part of this fourm. We just go to people's profiles to PM, view their stats, and view their little information. Yeah, but it would be kinda cool to add some stuff to it
Hey, it's you again Yeah, like the customazation I'm talking about doesn't have to be anything special, maybe a few pics, an "about me section" and stuff like that, nothing too crazy.
I wouldn't think it would be that hard to mod it...just put a filter for malicious content. And, if there is mis-directing links, that can be easily discovered. It would be harder to implant than to mod if you ask me...
I would like this. Allow users to input CSS, but no html and whatnot. Besides, CSS is the fun stuff anyways. html just adds more stuff....which would also be nice but could make it malicious. With css, I'd have my page be all fancy. :tehe:
Its rather hard to mod i guess. It must create a new field to enter, customization, control which elements that can be customized, filter SQL injections or scripts, and against all hacking mediums. Better safe than sorry. And this forum looks better without profile customizing as the whole forum uses a standard theme, and custom profiles might look weird and out-of-place
Now, CSS would be fun ; yeah, but we would have to kinda change the profile look a little bit because it's not really "built" for this stuff yet
I don't really know this was just an idea I had, I thank you guys for your input, maybe it could happen some day, if the site changes a bit.