Of course they don't. They're making millions of dollars off of the Neomall - You're just one person. Who cares if you get hacked and lose your stuff. Get over it its a game. (This is not my opinion.. just so you all know. I'm not just being a... CAKE, just expressing my thoughts on their thoughts ) Oh but wait... people DONT get hacked remember. TNT deny everything We're all imagining it.
The only person they care abt is featheralley coz she has the strongest pet and has been there since the beginning etc. But to all of us? Naw they don't care lol
its quite sad really. I mean, WE are the only reason neopets is famous, so they should at least give half a damn. or maybe 1/4
Indeed. Also they don't give a damn about ur reason when ur account gets iced. The chanced of getting an iced account back is worse than winning the lottery. They probably don't even read ur reasons and stuff. Or care.
Really, would any of us look for sites like these if we didn't believe the staff was a bunch of cake?
Yeah... People always want more So these sites would still exist - Maybe less people would bother trying if TNT actually listened... But, I still think majority would find places like this.
Maybe it's me. I play City of Heroes, which has the best dev staff I can think of. Wouldn't dream of trying to crack their game for exploits. I farm sometimes, but only within legit game mechanics. Neopets staff brings out the malicious person in me. Wouldn't be here if they didn't drop the ban hammer readily.
I don't think so. XD I agree, they don't even read what you write.. I've sent in like 2 forms about 2 different accounts (one without a birthdate) and one that got frozen and they came up with some weird answers that did not relate at /all/ to the reason I posted. They're just like 'we can't help you' ugh. ;o I reckon they only cared about featheralley because everyone seemed to know her and since she was hacked, not doing anything about it would most definitely bring light to TNTs failness (though we all know it already) U_____U;; I reckon they also care about older members more.. I mean, most people only get a few suspensions before being frozen, right? I've asked some, whereas on my /oldest account/ which is 85+ months, it went through something around 10 susses before they froze it. ;l still annoyed that they did though, since the last time I didn't do anything. QQ
I'm a bit curious since I haven't played neopets in a few years. Exactly how do you get hacked? Back when I played you really didn't get hacked, you got scammed (in various ways). And getting scammed is way easier to prevent than getting hacked.
Hacked via cookie grabber that get embedded in people's look-ups or shops.. Then get promoted by putting "UB's" in their shops... or posting saying they have... Then people usualyl click their userlook-up, and then shop.. and yea. Thats the story
I'm really not sure. I guesss, cgers? o.o; I think it has something to do with people putting certain codes on their userlookup/shop and they grab your cookies, which usually have people's passwords saved onto neo. 8D I might be wrong, but this is usually what people say. s:
They never really left.. Just had to find new ways for them to be embedded into pages They seem to come and go every few months. I've never *touches wood* been a victim to one.
Of course they don't care. xD They just ice to quiet down the people that are hacked and move on. You'll never get your account back. Ever since viacom bought it all they care about is the money.
They only care about premium users, as they pay for features on the site that normal users don't get. If they get iced then they lose income as the person would most likely no longer subscribe to their premium service.