Make accounts to sell? Right now i'm "growing" accounts. You could wait 4 months, then sell them at a discount.
I was just wondering. I\'m making about 100 accounts today, and wondering if anyone did the same as me o.o
no i dont make them, but when i joined this site i had a bunch of 4+ month side account and i have sold about 8 for about 130-150k each. i might start growing them though, and getting some rare game avatars on them
Dont you think if everyone did this then there would be no need to sell accounts unless the obvious happens IE mass iceing lmao they would go around 20k or so if we all did it i can get em for 20k a pop on myother forum so if they sell for 130k here then wow what a profit plus i could sell em 90k each they wud fly out at cheaper prices.
Just a friendly reminder. Don't disclose too much account information on these boards. You never know who might see this information, TNT or otherwise. Be VERY careful! ^_^
I figure when I get sick and tired of neopets once again I'll sell my 6 account ranging from 4 to 7 years for an alright amount of IRL cash