Anyone watch that show? I find it entertaining because sometimes the subjects are really crazy and interesting. But other times I think on serious subjects Dr. Phil comes out as a major ultracrepidarian by just spouting out what the audience wants to here instead of addressing the real issues of the person onstage. It's like if someone has a shopping problem he'll be like "stop shopping" and you're sitting there like no s*** sherlock but it's easier said than done. These people have mental issues and he just tells them what they already know which makes him seem like he doesn't know what he's talking about. But still, it's a pretty darn interesting show.
Dr. Phil bugs me, much like all those talk show people. Oprah is annoying too. They get into your business and act like they know everything. Well, sometimes they don't. And yet, they think they do. I hate it. Sorry, I am in a kind of grumpy mood. I have been sick all day and didn't go to school. That is why I am ranting about everything from talk shows to the world in 100 years. :lol:
Dr. Phil just gets under my skin for some reason. I can't stand to watch him though. When I was in the military though one of the Sgts I worked with went on his show. He actually kind of got in trouble because he didn't let his supervisors or anyone know and we all found out in the break room when it came on tv. According to him though they only show about 1/4 of what really goes on just on stage and they pick out the "interesting" parts so I'm sure there's a lot of good help that's given that we don't get to see. I guess they get a couple sessions privately too so yeah, of course he's going to pick out the most obvious stuff to entertain the audience, it's what sells.
Yep... Dr. Phil says and gives advice that almost any normal person is capable of doing. I suppose the only reason to watch the show is to listen to the stories of people, rather than him.
That's the only reason I watch also. Like when those "Dr. Phil and Robyn answer all your questions" or something comes on I don't even watch it. Only if the subject is really interesting I'll watch it, and even then I end up falling asleep in the middle of it.
I watch it for a laugh sometimes.. If the subjects not that great you can always laugh at his accent (funny for me coz im australian)