Draik/Plushie/Morphing main shop lists

Discussion in 'Neopets Chit-Chat' started by Fexxel, Feb 22, 2009.

  1. Fexxel

    Fexxel Level IV

    Jan 28, 2009
    Likes Received:
    I know these lists suck, I just made them quickly. These are the ones I use....
    I will edit these like every other day. If you don't like em, don't use em. These are the only ones over 500k that I think are worth using...

    Fish Negg Plushie
    Caylis Plushie
    Baby Techno Plushie
    Halloween JubJub Plushie
    Dusk Kougra Plushie
    Guardian of Fire Magic Plushie
    Denethrir Plushie
    Handcrated Tomos Plushie
    Bat Thing Plushie
    Desert Lupe Plushie
    Flishy Plushie
    Faerie Nimmo Plushie
    Black Bearog Plushie
    Edna Plushie
    Frost Lizard Plushie
    Faerie Kougra Plushie
    Baby Uni Plushie
    Grey Wocky Plushie
    Fire Koi Plushie
    Blue Draik Plushie
    Greedy Kadaotie Plushie
    Captain Rourke Plushie
    Desert Elephante Plushie
    Desert Grarrl Plushie
    (Look to bottum of post, someone edited this one...)

    Darigan Draik Egg
    Ice Draik Egg
    Green Draik Egg
    BLue Draik Egg
    Yellow Draik Egg
    Red Draik Egg
    Someone has been editing my posts...
    Here is the ACTUAL morphing potion list...
    Darigan Acara Morphing Potion
    Darigan Aisha Morphing Potion
    Darigan Blumaroo Morphing Potion
    Darigan Bori Morphing Potion
    Darigan Eyrie Morphing Potion
    Darigan Grundo Morphing Potion
    Darigan Ixi Morphing Potion
    Darigan Kau Morphing Potion
    Darigan Kyrii Morphing Potion
    Darigan Mynci Morphing Potion
    Darigan Zafara Morphing Potion
    Blue Krawk Morphing Potion
    Yellow Krawk Morphing Potion
    Red Krawk Morphing Potion
    Pirate Eyrie Morphing Potion
    Pirate Kacheek Morphing Potion
    Pirate Lenny Morphing Potion
    Pirate Poogle Morphing Potion
    Pirate Wocky Morphing Potion
    Plushie Aisha Morphing Potion
    Plushie Bori Morphing Potion
    Plushie Bruce Morphing Potion
    Plushie Buzz Morphing Potion
    Plushie Chomby Morphing Potion
    Plushie Cybunny Morphing Potion
    Plushie Flotsam Morphing Potion
    Plushie Grundo Morphing Potion
    Plushie Jetsam Morphing Potion
    Plushie Kau Morphing Potion
    Plushie Kiko Morphing Potion
    Plushie Korbat Morphing Potion
    Plushie Poogle Morphing Potion
    Plushie Scorchio Morphing Potion
    Plushie Skeith Morphing Potion
    Plushie Techo Morphing Potion
    Plushie Tuskaninny Morphing Potion
    Plushie Usul Morphing Potion
    Plushie Yurble Morphing Potion
    Fire Chomby Morphing Potion
    Baby Koi Morphing Potion
    Island Koi Morphing Potion
    Rainbow Koi Morphing Potion
    Purple Yurble Morphing Potion
    Grey Yurble Morphing Potion
    Fire Yurble Morphing Potion
    Starry Grarrl Morphing Potion
    Yellow Cybunny Morphing Potion
    Yellow Xweetok Morphing Potion
    Brown Kougra Morphing Potion
    Fire Grarrl Morphing Potion
    Shadow Shoyru Morphing Potion
    Silver Shoyru Morphing Potion
    Starry Usul Morphing Potion
    Yellow Chomby Morphing Potion
    Yellow Quiggle Morphing Potion
    Yellow Uni Morphing Potion
    Brown Aisha Morphing Potion
    Brown Grundo Morphing Potion
    Brown Lenny Morphing Potion
    Brown Moehog Morphing Potion
    Brown Techo Morphing Potion
    Checkered Shoyru Morphing Potion
    Christmas Cybunny Morphing Potion
    Cloud Acara Morphing Potion
    Cloud Gelert Morphing Potion
    Cloud Grundo Morphing Potion
    Cloud Pteri Morphing Potion
    Disco Acara Morphing Potion
    Glowing Lupe Morphing Potion
    Gold Scorchio Morphing Potion
    Gold Shoyru Morphing Potion
    Halloween Tonu Morphing Potion
    Island Acara Morphing Potion
    Island Usul Morphing Potion
    Pink Draik Morphing Potion
    Pink Koi Morphing Potion
    Pink Korbat Morphing Potion
    Pink Kyrii Morphing Potion
    Pink Shoyru Morphing Potion
    Pirate Chomby Morphing Potion
    Purple Aisha Morphing Potion
    Purple Chia Morphing Potion
    Purple Poogle Morphing Potion
    Purple Zafara Morphing Potion
    Rainbow Cybunny Morphing Potion
    Rainbow Grarrl Morphing Potion
    Rainbow Kacheek Morphing Potion
    Rainbow Poogle Morphing Potion
    Rainbow Quiggle Morphing Potion
    Rainbow Shoyru Morphing Potion
    Rainbow Uni Morphing Potion
    Silver Peophin Morphing Potion
    Skunk Mynci Morphing Potion
    Speckled Bori Morphing Potion
    Speckled Moehog Morphing Potion
    Speckled Shoyru Morphing Potion
    Split Lenny Morphing Potion
    Split Lupe Morphing Potion
    Spotted Blumaroo Morphing Potion
    Spotted Grundo Morphing Potion
    Spotted Scorchio Morphing Potion
    Spotted Shoyru Morphing Potion
    Starry Bori Morphing Potion
    Starry Korbat Morphing Potion
    Starry Pteri Morphing Potion
    Starry Shoyru Morphing Potion
    Starry Techo Morphing Potion
    Starry Uni Morphing Potion
    Striped Aisha Morphing Potion
    Striped Blumaroo Morphing Potion
    Striped Scorchio Morphing Potion
    White Grarrl Morphing Potion
    White Shoyru Morphing Potion
    Baby Acara Morphing Potion
    Baby Aisha Morphing Potion
    Baby Bruce Morphing Potion
    Baby Jetsam Morphing Potion
    Baby JubJub Morphing Potion
    Baby Kacheek Morphing Potion
    Baby Kau Morphing Potion
    Baby Kougra Morphing Potion
    Baby Lupe Morphing Potion
    Baby Meerca Morphing Potion
    Baby Uni Morphing Potion
    Brown Bruce Morphing Potion
    Brown Ixi Morphing Potion
    Checkered Acara Morphing Potion
    Checkered Kiko Morphing Potion
    Checkered Poogle Morphing Potion
    Cloud Bori Morphing Potion
    Cloud Bruce Morphing Potion
    Cloud Elephante Morphing Potion
    Cloud Grarrl Morphing Potion
    Cloud Ixi Morphing Potion
    Cloud Lenny Morphing Potion
    Cloud Ruki Morphing Potion
    Cloud Scorchio Morphing Potion
    Cloud Shoyru Morphing Potion
    Desert Aisha Morphing Potion
    Desert Blumaroo Morphing Potion
    Desert Poogle Morphing Potion
    Disco Bruce Morphing Potion
    Disco Kacheek Morphing Potion
    Disco Moehog Morphing Potion
    Disco Shoyru Morphing Potion
    Electric Grarrl Morphing Potion
    Electric Moehog Morphing Potion
    Faerie Acara Morphing Potion
    Faerie Blumaroo Morphing Potion
    Faerie Bruce Morphing Potion
    Faerie Grundo Morphing Potion
    Faerie Ixi Morphing Potion
    Faerie Lupe Morphing Potion
    Faerie Meerca Morphing Potion
    Faerie Poogle Morphing Potion
    Faerie Shoyru Morphing Potion
    Faerie Tuskaninny Morphing Potion
    Faerie Usul Morphing Potion
    Fire Acara Morphing Potion
    Fire Blumaroo Morphing Potion
    Fire Bori Morphing Potion
    Fire Bruce Morphing Potion
    Fire Buzz Morphing Potion
    Fire Chia Morphing Potion
    Fire Chomby Morphing Potion
    Fire Draik Morphing Potion
    Fire Ixi Morphing Potion
    Fire Kacheek Morphing Potion
    Fire Kiko Morphing Potion
    Fire Kyrii Morphing Potion
    Fire Lupe Morphing Potion
    Fire Moehog Morphing Potion
    Fire Nimmo Morphing Potion
    Fire Pteri Morphing Potion
    Fire Shoyru Morphing Potion
    Fire Skeith Morphing Potion
    Fire Techo Morphing Potion
    Fire Tuskaninny Morphing Potion
    Fire Wocky Morphing Potion
    Ghost Acara Morphing Potion
    Ghost Draik Morphing Potion
    Ghost Gelert Morphing Potion
    Ghost Grarrl Morphing Potion
    Ghost Hissi Morphing Potion
    Ghost Kiko Morphing Potion
    Ghost Korbat Morphing Potion
    Ghost Lenny Morphing Potion
    Ghost Peophin Morphing Potion
    Ghost Shoyru Morphing Potion
    Ghost Techo Morphing Potion
    Ghost Tuskaninny Morphing Potion
    Glowing Korbat Morphing Potion
    Gold Tonu Morphing Potion
    Grey Grarrl Morphing Potion
    Grey Mynci Morphing Potion
    Grey Techo Morphing Potion
    Grey Zafara Morphing Potion
    Halloween Blumaroo Morphing Potion
    Halloween Grarrl Morphing Potion
    Halloween Kau Morphing Potion
    Halloween Nimmo Morphing Potion
    Halloween Techo Morphing Potion
    Island Blumaroo Morphing Potion
    Island Bori Morphing Potion
    Island Cybunny Morphing Potion
    Island Eyrie Morphing Potion
    Island Gelert Morphing Potion
    Island Grundo Morphing Potion
    Island Ixi Morphing Potion
    Island JubJub Morphing Potion
    Island Kiko Morphing Potion
    Island Korbat Morphing Potion
    Island Lenny Morphing Potion
    Island Nimmo Morphing Potion
    Island Peophin Morphing Potion
    Island Shoyru Morphing Potion
    Island Skeith Morphing Potion
    Island Techo Morphing Potion
    Island Uni Morphing Potion
    Island Wocky Morphing Potion
    Island Zafara Morphing Potion
    Kauvaras Potion
    Light Faerie Dust
    Maraquan Acara Morphing Potion
    Maraquan Gelert Morphing Potion
    Maraquan Korbat Morphing Potion
    Maraquan Meerca Morphing Potion
    Maraquan Mynci Morphing Potion
    Maraquan Techo Morphing Potion
    Pink Lenny Morphing Potion
    Purple Draik Morphing Potion
    Purple Eyrie Morphing Potion
    Purple Grundo Morphing Potion
    Purple Peophin Morphing Potion
    Purple Pteri Morphing Potion
    Purple Shoyru Morphing Potion
    Purple Techo Morphing Potion
    Purple Tonu Morphing Potion
    Rainbow Chomby Morphing Potion
    Rainbow Flotsam Morphing Potion
    Rainbow Hissi Morphing Potion
    Rainbow JubJub Morphing Potion
    Rainbow Kau Morphing Potion
    Rainbow Lupe Morphing Potion
    Rainbow Swirly Potion
    Rainbow Wocky Morphing Potion
    Shadow Blumaroo Morphing Potion
    Shadow Lenny Morphing Potion
    Shadow Peophin Morphing Potion
    Shadow Ruki Morphing Potion
    Shadow Skeith Morphing Potion
    Skunk Buzz Morphing Potion
    Skunk Flotsam Morphing Potion
    Snow Aisha Morphing Potion
    Snow Blumaroo Morphing Potion
    Snow Bori Morphing Potion
    Snow Bruce Morphing Potion
    Snow Eyrie Morphing Potion
    Snow Techo Morphing Potion
    Snow Usul Morphing Potion
    Split Bruce Morphing Potion
    Split Chia Morphing Potion
    Split Flotsam Morphing Potion
    Spotted Flotsam Morphing Potion
    Spotted Gelert Morphing Potion
    Spotted Jetsam Morphing Potion
    Spotted Kau Morphing Potion
    Spotted Kougra Morphing Potion
    Spotted Nimmo Morphing Potion
    Spotted Pteri Morphing Potion
    Starry Bruce Morphing Potion
    Starry Draik Morphing Potion
    Starry Eyrie Morphing Potion
    Starry Grundo Morphing Potion
    Starry Kacheek Morphing Potion
    Starry Kau Morphing Potion
    Starry Nimmo Morphing Potion
    Starry Scorchio Morphing Potion
    Starry Skeith Morphing Potion
    Starry Yurble Morphing Potion
    Starry Zafara Morphing Potion
    Strange Potion
    Strawberry Tuskaninny Morphing Potion
    Striped Chia Morphing Potion
    Striped Flotsam Morphing Potion
    Striped Grarrl Morphing Potion
    Striped Jetsam Morphing Potion
    Striped Kau Morphing Potion
    Striped Nimmo Morphing Potion
    Striped Shoyru Morphing Potion
    Striped Skeith Morphing Potion
    Striped Tuskaninny Morphing Potion
    Tyrannian Bori Morphing Potion
    Tyrannian Flotsam Morphing Potion
    Tyrannian JubJub Morphing Potion
    Water Faerie Bubbles
    White Chia Morphing Potion
    White Chomby Morphing Potion
    White Flotsam Morphing Potion
    White Ixi Morphing Potion
    White Skeith Morphing Potion
    Electric Ixi Morphing Potion
    Desert Ixi Morphing Potion
    Grey Ixi Morphing Potion
    Striped Ixi Morphing Potiontion
    Green Krawk Morphing Potion
    Baby Kougra Morphing Potion
    Baby Gnorbu Morphing Potion
    Baby Lupe Morphing Potion
    Baby Bruce Morphing Potion
    Baby Aisha Morphing Potion
    Christmas Blumaroo Morphing Potion
    Christmas Bori Morphing Potion
    Christmas Bruce Morphing Potion
    Christmas Chia Morphing Potion
    Christmas Gelert Morphing Potion
    Christmas Grundo Morphing Potion
    Christmas Ixi Morphing Potion
    Christmas JubJub Morphing Potion
    Christmas Kiko Morphing Potion
    Christmas Koi Morphing Potion
    Christmas Korbat Morphing Potion
    Christmas Kougra Morphing Potion
    Christmas Magic Hat
    Christmas Pteri Morphing Potion
    Christmas Scorchio Morphing Potion
    Christmas Uni Morphing Potion
    Christmas Wocky Morphing Potion
  2. Resu

    Resu Level III

    Jan 6, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Not bad :)
    I still have a list somewhere of MP's because someone asked me once to make one.. but he disappeared later :(
    I'll try to find that list tomorrow :)
  3. hawoo

    hawoo Level I

    Feb 23, 2009
    Likes Received:
    where can i get AB'ers?
  4. Angasor43

    Angasor43 Newbie

    Feb 25, 2009
    Likes Received:
    AB'ers are in the download section... you have to have cash in order to download them and you get that by posting on forms and such... :)
  5. Resu

    Resu Level III

    Jan 6, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Okay.. so I finally found that one:

    Morphing Potions
    Darigan Draik Morphing Potion
    Fire Draik Morphing Potion
    Ghost Draik Morphing Potion
    Purple Draik Morphing Potion
    Starry Draik Morphing Potion
    Blue Krawk Morphing Potion
    Green Krawk Morphing Potion
    Red Krawk Morphing Potion
    Yellow Krawk Morphing Potion
    Pirate Poogle Morphing Potion
    Maraquan Gelert Morphing Potion
    Red Draik Morphing Potion
    Blue Draik Morphing Potion
    Yellow Draik Morphing Potion
    Green Draik Morphing Potion
    Island Gelert Morphing Potion
    Plushie Jetsam Morphing Potion
    Plushie Tuskaninny Morphing Potion
    Pirate Eyrie Morphing Potion
    Plushie Kiko Morphing Potion
    Pirate Wocky Morphing Potion
    Plushie Aisha Morphing Potion
    Plushie Cybunny Morphing Potion
    Plushie Korbat Morphing Potion
    Striped Skeith Morphing Potion
    Plushie Chomby Morphing Potion
    Island JubJub Morphing Potion
    Checkered Poogle Morphing Potion
    Plushie Usul Morphing Potion
    Plushie Grundo Morphing Potion
    Faerie Poogle Morphing Potion
    Plushie Bori Morphing Potion
    Plushie Kau Morphing Potion
    Island Acara Morphing Potion
    Island Skeith Morphing Potion
    Grey Zafara Morphing Potion
    Pirate Chomby Morphing Potion
    Maraquan Techo Morphing Potion
    Faerie Grundo Morphing Potion
    Desert Aisha Morphing Potion
    Christmas Chia Morphing Potion
    Plushie Bruce Morphing Potion
    Faerie Meerca Morphing Potion
    Darigan Ixi Morphing Potion
    Starry Bruce Morphing Potion
    Green Chomby Morphing Potion
    Blue Poogle Morphing Potion
    Yellow Poogle Morphing Potion
    Green Poogle Morphing Potion
    Red Poogle Morphing Potion
    Faerie Acara Morphing Potion
    Island Bori Morphing Potion
    Rainbow Poogle Morphing Potion
    Faerie Tuskaninny Morphing Potion
    Yellow Chomby Morphing Potion
    Christmas Koi Morphing Potion
    Faerie Usul Morphing Potion
    Gold Tonu Morphing Potion
    Disco Shoyru Morphing Potion
    Island Shoyru Morphing Potion
    Plushie Skeith Morphing Potion
    Faerie Bruce Morphing Potion
    Plushie Flotsam Morphing Potion
    Island Uni Morphing Potion
    Baby JubJub Morphing Potion
    Snow Eyrie Morphing Potion
    Halloween Grarrl Morphing Potion
    Ghost Grarrl Morphing Potion
    Snow Usul Morphing Potion
    Maraquan Mynci Morphing Potion
    Baby Meerca Morphing Potion
    Christmas Wocky Morphing Potion
    Faerie Lupe Morphing Potion
    Maraquan Meerca Morphing Potion
    Island Wocky Morphing Potion
    Baby Kacheek Morphing Potion
    Desert Blumaroo Morphing Potion
    Striped Jetsam Morphing Potion
    Starry Grundo Morphing Potion
    Christmas Kiko Morphing Potion
    Christmas Kougra Morphing Potion
    Starry Scorchio Morphing Potion
    Fire Shoyru Morphing Potion
    Shadow Peophin Morphing Potion
    Snow Bruce Morphing Potion
    Fire Bori Morphing Potion
    Red Cybunny Morphing Potion
    Green Cybunny Morphing Potion
    Fire Chomby Morphing Potion
    Blue Cybunny Morphing Potion
    Island Ixi Morphing Potion
    Darigan Eyrie Morphing Potion
    Baby Aisha Morphing Potion
    Darigan Bori Morphing Potion
    Rainbow Hissi Morphing Potion
    Pink Kyrii Morphing Potion
    Darigan Aisha Morphing Potion
    Fire Wocky Morphing Potion
    Blue Chomby Morphing Potion
    Red Chomby Morphing Potion
    Green Jetsam Morphing Potion
    Shadow Ixi Morphing Potion
    Halloween Nimmo Morphing Potion
    Island Nimmo Morphing Potion
    Tyrannian Flotsam Morphing Potion
    Rainbow Flotsam Morphing Potion
    Ghost Kiko Morphing Potion
    Snow Blumaroo Morphing Potion
    Cloud Ruki Morphing Potion
    Ghost Korbat Morphing Potion
    Fire Pteri Morphing Potion
    Darigan Kyrii Morphing Potion
    Fire Ixi Morphing Potion
    Starry Korbat Morphing Potion
    Yellow Cybunny Morphing Potion
    Island Zafara Morphing Potion
    Disco Kacheek Morphing Potion
    Fire Kyrii Morphing Potion
    Fire Acara Morphing Potion
    Island Blumaroo Morphing Potion
    Rainbow JubJub Morphing Potion
    Starry Kacheek Morphing Potion
    Fire Bruce Morphing Potion
    Darigan Acara Morphing Potion
    Red Jetsam Morphing Potion
    Baby Acara Morphing Potion
    Christmas Blumaroo Morphing Potion
    Fire Moehog Morphing Potion
    Cloud Shoyru Morphing Potion
    Baby Bruce Morphing Potion
    Shadow Ruki Morphing Potion
    Spotted Gelert Morphing Potion
    Blue Hissi Morphing Potion
    Island Usul Morphing Potion
    Baby Uni Morphing Potion
    Red Hissi Morphing Potion
    Christmas Korbat Morphing Potion
    Fire Buzz Morphing Potion
    Ghost Gelert Morphing Potion
    Blue Jetsam Morphing Potion
    Shadow Blumaroo Morphing Potion
    Spotted Blumaroo Morphing Potion
    Speckled Shoyru Morphing Potion
    Fire Tuskaninny Morphing Potion
    Christmas Ixi Morphing Potion
    Fire Techo Morphing Potion
    Cloud Ixi Morphing Potion
    Christmas Bruce Morphing Potion
    Striped Flotsam Morphing Potion
    Striped Shoyru Morphing Potion
    Darigan Blumaroo Morphing Potion
    Strawberry Tuskaninny Morphing Potion
    Cloud Gelert Morphing Potion
    Christmas Scorchio Morphing Potion
    Fire Chia Morphing Potion
    Ghost Shoyru Morphing Potion
    Cloud Grarrl Morphing Potion
    Striped Chia Morphing Potion
    Yellow Kiko Morphing Potion
    Blue Kiko Morphing Potion
    Spotted Flotsam Morphing Potion
    Ghost Tuskaninny Morphing Potion
    Rainbow Kacheek Morphing Potion
    Halloween Kau Morphing Potion
    Gold Shoyru Morphing Potion
    Spotted Pteri Morphing Potion
    Red Kiko Morphing Potion
    Green Kiko Morphing Potion
    Shadow Lenny Morphing Potion
    Cloud Bruce Morphing Potion
    Brown Aisha Morphing Potion
    Fire Nimmo Morphing Potion
    Halloween Tonu Morphing Potion
    Cloud Acara Morphing Potion
    Skunk Buzz Morphing Potion
    Striped Blumaroo Morphing Potion
    Fire Grarrl Morphing Potion
    Shadow Shoyru Morphing Potion
    Spotted Shoyru Morphing Potion
    Starry Shoyru Morphing Potion
    Starry Nimmo Morphing Potion
    Cloud Elephante Morphing Potion
    Striped Scorchio Morphing Potion
    Striped Tuskaninny Morphing Potion
    Striped Nimmo Morphing Potion
    Striped Kau Morphing Potion
    Striped Grarrl Morphing Potion
    Checkered Shoyru Morphing Potion
    Christmas Bori Morphing Potion
    Starry Bori Morphing Potion
    Striped Aisha Morphing Potion
    Cloud Lenny Morphing Potion
    Cloud Grundo Morphing Potion
    Speckled Bori Morphing Potion
    Gold Scorchio Morphing Potion
    Rainbow Uni Morphing Potion
    Spotted Grundo Morphing Potion
    Starry Grarrl Morphing Potion
    Starry Pteri Morphing Potion
    Spotted Scorchio Morphing Potion
    Rainbow Quiggle Morphing Potion
    Skunk Mynci Morphing Potion
    Rainbow Grarrl Morphing Potion
    Silver Shoyru Morphing Potion
    Speckled Moehog Morphing Potion
    Starry Usul Morphing Potion
    It may be outdated but I think it still works good.
  6. Snowmanny

    Snowmanny Level III

    Mar 11, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Toronto Canada
    no offence but i can only see like 15-20 items on your plushie/morphing potion list when there should be like 150+ on each
  7. Resu

    Resu Level III

    Jan 6, 2009
    Likes Received:
    I have a plushie list with plushies that cost 10k+.. it almost contains 600 plushies.
    I can post it in the Level I chat if anyone wants?
  8. Fexxel

    Fexxel Level IV

    Jan 28, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Resu- could you give me that list
    Yes, the list for the plushies I made is like 160k+ for huge profit.
    EDIT: I fixed the morphing potion list, someone messed it up.
    ID 2:
    Darigan Acara Morphing Potion
    Darigan Aisha Morphing Potion
    Darigan Blumaroo Morphing Potion
    Darigan Bori Morphing Potion
    Darigan Eyrie Morphing Potion
    Darigan Grundo Morphing Potion
    Darigan Ixi Morphing Potion
    Darigan Kau Morphing Potion
    Darigan Kyrii Morphing Potion
    Darigan Mynci Morphing Potion
    Darigan Zafara Morphing Potion
    Blue Krawk Morphing Potion
    Yellow Krawk Morphing Potion
    Red Krawk Morphing Potion
    Pirate Eyrie Morphing Potion
    Pirate Kacheek Morphing Potion
    Pirate Lenny Morphing Potion
    Pirate Poogle Morphing Potion
    Pirate Wocky Morphing Potion
    Plushie Aisha Morphing Potion
    Plushie Bori Morphing Potion
    Plushie Bruce Morphing Potion
    Plushie Buzz Morphing Potion
    Plushie Chomby Morphing Potion
    Plushie Cybunny Morphing Potion
    Plushie Flotsam Morphing Potion
    Plushie Grundo Morphing Potion
    Plushie Jetsam Morphing Potion
    Plushie Kau Morphing Potion
    Plushie Kiko Morphing Potion
    Plushie Korbat Morphing Potion
    Plushie Poogle Morphing Potion
    Plushie Scorchio Morphing Potion
    Plushie Skeith Morphing Potion
    Plushie Techo Morphing Potion
    Plushie Tuskaninny Morphing Potion
    Plushie Usul Morphing Potion
    Plushie Yurble Morphing Potion
    Fire Chomby Morphing Potion
    Baby Koi Morphing Potion
    Island Koi Morphing Potion
    Rainbow Koi Morphing Potion
    Purple Yurble Morphing Potion
    Grey Yurble Morphing Potion
    Fire Yurble Morphing Potion
    Starry Grarrl Morphing Potion
    Yellow Cybunny Morphing Potion
    Yellow Xweetok Morphing Potion
    Brown Kougra Morphing Potion
    Fire Grarrl Morphing Potion
    Shadow Shoyru Morphing Potion
    Silver Shoyru Morphing Potion
    Starry Usul Morphing Potion
    Yellow Chomby Morphing Potion
    Yellow Quiggle Morphing Potion
    Yellow Uni Morphing Potion
    Brown Aisha Morphing Potion
    Brown Grundo Morphing Potion
    Brown Lenny Morphing Potion
    Brown Moehog Morphing Potion
    Brown Techo Morphing Potion
    Checkered Shoyru Morphing Potion
    Christmas Cybunny Morphing Potion
    Cloud Acara Morphing Potion
    Cloud Gelert Morphing Potion
    Cloud Grundo Morphing Potion
    Cloud Pteri Morphing Potion
    Disco Acara Morphing Potion
    Glowing Lupe Morphing Potion
    Gold Scorchio Morphing Potion
    Gold Shoyru Morphing Potion
    Halloween Tonu Morphing Potion
    Island Acara Morphing Potion
    Island Usul Morphing Potion
    Pink Draik Morphing Potion
    Pink Koi Morphing Potion
    Pink Korbat Morphing Potion
    Pink Kyrii Morphing Potion
    Pink Shoyru Morphing Potion
    Pirate Chomby Morphing Potion
    Purple Aisha Morphing Potion
    Purple Chia Morphing Potion
    Purple Poogle Morphing Potion
    Purple Zafara Morphing Potion
    Rainbow Cybunny Morphing Potion
    Rainbow Grarrl Morphing Potion
    Rainbow Kacheek Morphing Potion
    Rainbow Poogle Morphing Potion
    Rainbow Quiggle Morphing Potion
    Rainbow Shoyru Morphing Potion
    Rainbow Uni Morphing Potion
    Silver Peophin Morphing Potion
    Skunk Mynci Morphing Potion
    Speckled Bori Morphing Potion
    Speckled Moehog Morphing Potion
    Speckled Shoyru Morphing Potion
    Split Lenny Morphing Potion
    Split Lupe Morphing Potion
    Spotted Blumaroo Morphing Potion
    Spotted Grundo Morphing Potion
    Spotted Scorchio Morphing Potion
    Spotted Shoyru Morphing Potion
    Starry Bori Morphing Potion
    Starry Korbat Morphing Potion
    Starry Pteri Morphing Potion
    Starry Shoyru Morphing Potion
    Starry Techo Morphing Potion
    Starry Uni Morphing Potion
    Striped Aisha Morphing Potion
    Striped Blumaroo Morphing Potion
    Striped Scorchio Morphing Potion
    White Grarrl Morphing Potion
    White Shoyru Morphing Potion
    Baby Acara Morphing Potion
    Baby Aisha Morphing Potion
    Baby Bruce Morphing Potion
    Baby Jetsam Morphing Potion
    Baby JubJub Morphing Potion
    Baby Kacheek Morphing Potion
    Baby Kau Morphing Potion
    Baby Kougra Morphing Potion
    Baby Lupe Morphing Potion
    Baby Meerca Morphing Potion
    Baby Uni Morphing Potion
    Brown Bruce Morphing Potion
    Brown Ixi Morphing Potion
    Checkered Acara Morphing Potion
    Checkered Kiko Morphing Potion
    Checkered Poogle Morphing Potion
    Cloud Bori Morphing Potion
    Cloud Bruce Morphing Potion
    Cloud Elephante Morphing Potion
    Cloud Grarrl Morphing Potion
    Cloud Ixi Morphing Potion
    Cloud Lenny Morphing Potion
    Cloud Ruki Morphing Potion
    Cloud Scorchio Morphing Potion
    Cloud Shoyru Morphing Potion
    Desert Aisha Morphing Potion
    Desert Blumaroo Morphing Potion
    Desert Poogle Morphing Potion
    Disco Bruce Morphing Potion
    Disco Kacheek Morphing Potion
    Disco Moehog Morphing Potion
    Disco Shoyru Morphing Potion
    Electric Grarrl Morphing Potion
    Electric Moehog Morphing Potion
    Faerie Acara Morphing Potion
    Faerie Blumaroo Morphing Potion
    Faerie Bruce Morphing Potion
    Faerie Grundo Morphing Potion
    Faerie Ixi Morphing Potion
    Faerie Lupe Morphing Potion
    Faerie Meerca Morphing Potion
    Faerie Poogle Morphing Potion
    Faerie Shoyru Morphing Potion
    Faerie Tuskaninny Morphing Potion
    Faerie Usul Morphing Potion
    Fire Acara Morphing Potion
    Fire Blumaroo Morphing Potion
    Fire Bori Morphing Potion
    Fire Bruce Morphing Potion
    Fire Buzz Morphing Potion
    Fire Chia Morphing Potion
    Fire Chomby Morphing Potion
    Fire Draik Morphing Potion
    Fire Ixi Morphing Potion
    Fire Kacheek Morphing Potion
    Fire Kiko Morphing Potion
    Fire Kyrii Morphing Potion
    Fire Lupe Morphing Potion
    Fire Moehog Morphing Potion
    Fire Nimmo Morphing Potion
    Fire Pteri Morphing Potion
    Fire Shoyru Morphing Potion
    Fire Skeith Morphing Potion
    Fire Techo Morphing Potion
    Fire Tuskaninny Morphing Potion
    Fire Wocky Morphing Potion
    Ghost Acara Morphing Potion
    Ghost Draik Morphing Potion
    Ghost Gelert Morphing Potion
    Ghost Grarrl Morphing Potion
    Ghost Hissi Morphing Potion
    Ghost Kiko Morphing Potion
    Ghost Korbat Morphing Potion
    Ghost Lenny Morphing Potion
    Ghost Peophin Morphing Potion
    Ghost Shoyru Morphing Potion
    Ghost Techo Morphing Potion
    Ghost Tuskaninny Morphing Potion
    Glowing Korbat Morphing Potion
    Gold Tonu Morphing Potion
    Grey Grarrl Morphing Potion
    Grey Mynci Morphing Potion
    Grey Techo Morphing Potion
    Grey Zafara Morphing Potion
    Halloween Blumaroo Morphing Potion
    Halloween Grarrl Morphing Potion
    Halloween Kau Morphing Potion
    Halloween Nimmo Morphing Potion
    Halloween Techo Morphing Potion
    Island Blumaroo Morphing Potion
    Island Bori Morphing Potion
    Island Cybunny Morphing Potion
    Island Eyrie Morphing Potion
    Island Gelert Morphing Potion
    Island Grundo Morphing Potion
    Island Ixi Morphing Potion
    Island JubJub Morphing Potion
    Island Kiko Morphing Potion
    Island Korbat Morphing Potion
    Island Lenny Morphing Potion
    Island Nimmo Morphing Potion
    Island Peophin Morphing Potion
    Island Shoyru Morphing Potion
    Island Skeith Morphing Potion
    Island Techo Morphing Potion
    Island Uni Morphing Potion
    Island Wocky Morphing Potion
    Island Zafara Morphing Potion
    Kauvaras Potion
    Light Faerie Dust
    Maraquan Acara Morphing Potion
    Maraquan Gelert Morphing Potion
    Maraquan Korbat Morphing Potion
    Maraquan Meerca Morphing Potion
    Maraquan Mynci Morphing Potion
    Maraquan Techo Morphing Potion
    Pink Lenny Morphing Potion
    Purple Draik Morphing Potion
    Purple Eyrie Morphing Potion
    Purple Grundo Morphing Potion
    Purple Peophin Morphing Potion
    Purple Pteri Morphing Potion
    Purple Shoyru Morphing Potion
    Purple Techo Morphing Potion
    Purple Tonu Morphing Potion
    Rainbow Chomby Morphing Potion
    Rainbow Flotsam Morphing Potion
    Rainbow Hissi Morphing Potion
    Rainbow JubJub Morphing Potion
    Rainbow Kau Morphing Potion
    Rainbow Lupe Morphing Potion
    Rainbow Swirly Potion
    Rainbow Wocky Morphing Potion
    Shadow Blumaroo Morphing Potion
    Shadow Lenny Morphing Potion
    Shadow Peophin Morphing Potion
    Shadow Ruki Morphing Potion
    Shadow Skeith Morphing Potion
    Skunk Buzz Morphing Potion
    Skunk Flotsam Morphing Potion
    Snow Aisha Morphing Potion
    Snow Blumaroo Morphing Potion
    Snow Bori Morphing Potion
    Snow Bruce Morphing Potion
    Snow Eyrie Morphing Potion
    Snow Techo Morphing Potion
    Snow Usul Morphing Potion
    Split Bruce Morphing Potion
    Split Chia Morphing Potion
    Split Flotsam Morphing Potion
    Spotted Flotsam Morphing Potion
    Spotted Gelert Morphing Potion
    Spotted Jetsam Morphing Potion
    Spotted Kau Morphing Potion
    Spotted Kougra Morphing Potion
    Spotted Nimmo Morphing Potion
    Spotted Pteri Morphing Potion
    Starry Bruce Morphing Potion
    Starry Draik Morphing Potion
    Starry Eyrie Morphing Potion
    Starry Grundo Morphing Potion
    Starry Kacheek Morphing Potion
    Starry Kau Morphing Potion
    Starry Nimmo Morphing Potion
    Starry Scorchio Morphing Potion
    Starry Skeith Morphing Potion
    Starry Yurble Morphing Potion
    Starry Zafara Morphing Potion
    Strange Potion
    Strawberry Tuskaninny Morphing Potion
    Striped Chia Morphing Potion
    Striped Flotsam Morphing Potion
    Striped Grarrl Morphing Potion
    Striped Jetsam Morphing Potion
    Striped Kau Morphing Potion
    Striped Nimmo Morphing Potion
    Striped Shoyru Morphing Potion
    Striped Skeith Morphing Potion
    Striped Tuskaninny Morphing Potion
    Tyrannian Bori Morphing Potion
    Tyrannian Flotsam Morphing Potion
    Tyrannian JubJub Morphing Potion
    Water Faerie Bubbles
    White Chia Morphing Potion
    White Chomby Morphing Potion
    White Flotsam Morphing Potion
    White Ixi Morphing Potion
    White Skeith Morphing Potion
    Electric Ixi Morphing Potion
    Desert Ixi Morphing Potion
    Grey Ixi Morphing Potion
    Striped Ixi Morphing Potiontion
    Green Krawk Morphing Potion
    Baby Kougra Morphing Potion
    Baby Gnorbu Morphing Potion
    Baby Lupe Morphing Potion
    Baby Bruce Morphing Potion
    Baby Aisha Morphing Potion
    Christmas Blumaroo Morphing Potion
    Christmas Bori Morphing Potion
    Christmas Bruce Morphing Potion
    Christmas Chia Morphing Potion
    Christmas Gelert Morphing Potion
    Christmas Grundo Morphing Potion
    Christmas Ixi Morphing Potion
    Christmas JubJub Morphing Potion
    Christmas Kiko Morphing Potion
    Christmas Koi Morphing Potion
    Christmas Korbat Morphing Potion
    Christmas Kougra Morphing Potion
    Christmas Magic Hat
    Christmas Pteri Morphing Potion
    Christmas Scorchio Morphing Potion
    Christmas Uni Morphing Potion
    Christmas Wocky Morphing Potion
  9. mjnskivt

    mjnskivt Level III

    Aug 9, 2008
    Likes Received:
    right behind you
    Why are there two threads for these lists? There's one here and in the lvl 1 private chat.
    Thanks for making the lists, but they only need to be posted once.
  10. Fexxel

    Fexxel Level IV

    Jan 28, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Different lists. Level 1 has an improved one. (I think?)
    Lol, there was drunk dialing, drunk driving, and now drunk posting ^^
  11. cokaine

    cokaine Level III

    Dec 3, 2007
    Likes Received:
    very nice lists, thanks alot