There was a big hullabaloo as Draiks were able to be created for a short period at 6:35 and 6:55 NST. You might want to keep an eye out
It's probably going to be, like how TNT released the other limited edition pets. They say that they want to give everyone around the world an equal chance. I'm going to keep a lookout as well.
yep they have released them i reckon so the draik eggs and mps and tps will deflate lol thats one way to keep control of the price on the potions lol
I got mad when I realized that if I had stayed home an hour longer, I could've made a draik. I'm hoping that they do release them again to make it fair. Even though this is going to anger people who got draiks fairly. Rofl.
TNT thinks of the crappiest things. None the same if they don;'t release it again then I have nothing to say but the fact that they're taunting users who wanted a draik. But I always found krawks to be better looking {Except plushie draiks..they're just awwwww}
WTF. That's just.... The newbie accounts with 3 draiks are irking me now. On another note, supposed next release times should be 6:39, 6:49, and 6:59 NST.
PM. They were released at 6:39 and 6:49 AM this morning, apparently... *just got back from school and is browsing boards*
Well after being on and off for most of the day I'm giving up - I really have to go to bed. xD I'm admitting defeat!! I'll just keep saving for my Royal Draik, probably be more satisfied with it in the long run. I really don't think they're going to release more either (lol I'll most probably be proved wrong though on that) - But I do think that they're taunting users who wanted a draik by leaving it like that like Moo said, especially people in different timezones.
I stayed almost all day trying to create a more not released, it seems that it was only in the morning.
Darn! i was gone at that time... also, its usually 4:00pm that you can create limited edition pets. anyway, you all got a draik? i didn't...
Eh?...I missed all the buzz. xD *Goes to check boards* I think I'll just pound surf instead of waiting...
This should not deflate MPs/TPs. Thats at least what i think --- IDK. The prices are based on the demand and willingness of a person to spend an amount on the item. With more draiks, it could go down. But will it? We shall see... And on a side note, I completely missed the Draiks being released cuz I was asleep. @_@
You weren't the only one; I didn't get one either. 6:39 AM NST for me would be Accelerated C++ in school. And the people who spent 30mil are furious now over newbie accounts with 3 or 4 Draiks...I actually like Draiks as more than a status symbol; Faerie, Royalboy, and Maraquan in particular.