Are you a driver and hate cyclists? Do you think they get in the way of traffic and they're waaaay too preachy? Maybe you think they're only riding bikes because they can't afford a car or they got their license suspended. How about cyclists? Did a driver make you mad because they almost hit you? Maybe you think they cause too much pollution? Let's talk about this here!
I drive and dont hate cyclist. I do love to mountain bike tho. Drivers do get on your nerves when you are biking tho
I hate when I am on the way to youth group and I am running late, and the dum cycle people are in my way :x
I think cyclists are fine, but they need to realize that they are much slower than cars and get over to the side when a car is behind them. As much as they might complain about pollution, they are only intensifying it when they keep cars on the road longer
I can only ride a bike but I don't like cars that will think you will stop when they hacve a stop sign and you don't. Though I don't like cyclist who ride in the middle of the road or on a very skinny road. Then they should find someplace else to ride
I'm a driver and only cycle in parks/trails for fun not to commute. I agree that cyclists need to learn to move out of the way. And those Lycra Spandex suits they wear are gross!
well... if in road... use car for it... and for parks ....use bicycle . i hate drivers.. because they gones mad easily when gettin on traffic.
LMAO This is so funny. My boyfriend loves riding his bike everywhere. He even has this sticker on his bike that says F*@% Cars, Ride Bikes Personally... I would like to buy a bike. So I can get exercise while saving gas money at the same time. I respect the cyclist for they are reducing greenhouse gasses. I DO wish that most cities would provide more space on the side of the road for them Because they do piss me off when they are in the way. Oh yea. And my boyfriend was riding his bike on his street and some people in a van started harassing him for no reason and tried to push him off his bike while hanging out the door of the van. I thought that was pretty stupid. LMAO funny thread.
Im a believer of survival of the fittest. I drive, and got no problem with cyclist, but if they get in my way...