dump guide

Discussion in 'Neopets Guides' started by maximaneffort, Dec 27, 2008.

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  1. maximaneffort

    maximaneffort Newbie

    Dec 5, 2008
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    Let the Guide Begin!

    I've never seen anything at the Dump, why should I go there?
    Well, when the Dump was first released, there were PLENTY of great items there. Since people became less interested in it, fewer items showed up, so that it became pretty rare to see things show at the Dump. Now, though, people are going all the time and I'm getting lots of reports of great items and many items appearing! Good job Dump-Divers!

    So, what makes things show up at the Dump?
    Good question! It has seemed that more people who go, and the more they refresh, the more items and the more rare the items that will show up. The Editorial of August 4, 2006 says, though, that it *is* a good hypothesis, but not how the Dump works. So, we're back at square one, not really sure of how the Dump works. There does seem to be a correlation, but we're not sure of the exact cause-effect.

    OMG! I saw my name! (or, my friend's name)
    Yes, this does happen. The Dump knows who is refreshing there, and uses some of those usernames as donors. You have NOT lost an item, and it DOES NOT mean that someone actually Donated an item from their inventory (nor did they Discard one, either).

    What kind of items will show up in the Dump?
    Lots of different things can be found at the Dump! There are 13 items that are UNIQUE to the Dump, meaning they're ONLY found there. However, we've seen Healing Potions (up to XIX!!!they resell nicely), Dung Pizza, Dung Slushies (which are r98 and thus a GOURMET FOOD!), Codestones (yes, codestones!), and reportedly Bottled Faeries, petpets and even Paintbrushes were once found there. There's also plenty of Barbed Wire and Dung for everyone to have their fill! And if you haven't gotten enough of them, there are more over at Pick Your Own. Please read below for the items unique to the dump! :)

    What are the 13 items?
    Meridell Gravy - resells for under 10 nps
    Strange Green Seeds - resells for under 10 nps
    Old Croutons - resells for under 20 nps
    Squished Tomato - resells for under 50 nps
    Zeenana Peel - resells for under 50 nps

    These (above) are Medieval Foods you can feed your pet.

    Packet of Gravel - resells for under 5 nps
    Soggy Old Box - resells for about 100 nps

    These are Gift items and you can't do much with them, but they're fun!

    Baby Haystack - resells for just over 2k nps
    UFFH - resells for around 1k nps
    Broken Spoon - resells for just over 2k nps

    These are also Gift items, but are worth a bit more!

    Muddy Bone - resells for 50k nps or so!
    Apple Core - is currently UB
    Old Paper - is currently UB

    WOW! Wouldn't these be great to get!? UFFHs, Broken Spoons and Baby Haystacks are all spotted regularly. There is no need to neomail me about these items, thanks!

    I got a neomail recently about a Muddy Bone being seen (that makes two that I've heard about in the past few weeks) . However, July 20th we had a MUCH more exciting sighting (and grab)! Some friends, along with some folks on the Game board were diving and a friend of mine got Old Paper!!!! We still have no reports of Apple Cores, though, and I'd be interested in hearing if you've gotten or seen one at the Dump.

    Based on the NT Editorial (see link above, in #2) and the Old Paper grab, I don't believe there were THAT many people refreshing at the Dump, so it *is* quite likely that the rarity of the 13 unique Dump items is NOT correlated at all to the number of people or refreshes at the Dump.

    What do those GOOD items look like? (or, what is an UFFH??)

    UFFH Baby Haystack Broken Spoon Muddy Bone Apple Core Old Paper

    Who are the other Donors?
    Well, its common to see the Meridell Castle Cleaners donating, or any of the many farmers from Meri Acres. You might see a Stablehand, a Passing Faerie or even a Passing Meerca toss some items into the Dump too! The Meridell Dump is also the ONLY place the Dung Faerie can be found! Yes, I said Dung Faerie! She DOES exist! (Quite unlike the Jelly World Faerie, which does NOT exist!)

    Also frequently donating to the Dump: Somebody Mysterious, Somebody Smelly, Rowdy Peastants, and even King Skarl.

    But I'm on dial-up. I'll *never* get anything.
    While the Dump may seem to appear to work like the Money Tree, you CAN get items. I'm on dial-up too, and have gotten an inventory full of good ol' Meridell trash. :) Regardless of your connection, though, you probably don't have time to be selective.

    Don't forget, the Dump is a GREAT place to get some extra items for the Pack Rat avatar! What's better is that you don't have to spend any money to get these items.

    Can I be Dump-banned?
    It appears so. Grabbing too many items can get you banned from grabbing more by Charlie the Kacheek. It seems you're allowed to refresh all you want (and you still appear as a donor), but you are no longer able to GRAB items (too much grabbing = ban). How do you know? You get the message that the item was taken, although it is still there (though not always, if another user has grabbed it) when you "click to go back" and if you leave the Dump, you may not be able to get back in until the ban is over. It also seems that grabbing GOOD items will get you banned. Another Dump-Diver reported being banned after his FIRST grab of the day, an Eo Codestone. (He's quite reliable, as he FIRST noticed the "ban" phenomenon.) He further suspects that grabbing TWO good items in one day will give you a day-long ban, as this happened to him. This is ONLY speculation.

    However, there is now speculation that "good items" may mean items with a rarity lower than 100 (like the slushies and pizzas and maybe the codestones). The users who've grabbed Old Paper were still able to grab items after the nab of Old Paper (r101), and I can't imagine a better item to grab, aside from maybe an Apple Core! (see above, question 5, about this grab)

    More on this topic will be appearing here as we find out!

    How long should I expect to dump-dive?
    You may dive as long as you'd like; just a few minutes will yield good items showing up. My guild and other friends have been there for up to an hour, and had "good" items show up throughout that time. However it is NOT reccommended to "pick a time" for a mass number of people to refresh. The continuous refreshing has worked well, even if the NT Editorial says that's not *the* way it works.

    Regardless of the August 4, 2006 NT Editorial information, it is still FUN to go to the Dump, refresh with a group and post on a board what you've seen and what you've nabbed. They did NOT answer that it is against the rules to have a board, so...

    If you start a board to go Dump Diving, please put a link to this page in one of your first few posts, so those new to the idea can read information firsthand. You probably also want to post a link to the Dump itself. Happy diving!

    A good first post on a board would look like:
    Go to rubbish dump! The more people who go to the rubbish dump and refresh (F5 or clicking on charlie) the more people who refresh rare the items seem to get!

    Sometimes items worth around 50K!

    ^ guide on the dump

    ^ Lazy link to dump, go now !
  2. Cacklenub

    Cacklenub Level IV

    May 10, 2008
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    Guides posted here need to be original, not just copy and pasted(especially word for word!) from a petpage...

    Try to contribute something you've made... :)
  3. Ak*

    Ak* Level IV

    Dec 24, 2007
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    Canada Eh!
  4. woooot

    woooot Level II

    Nov 8, 2006
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    but still, that was pretty useful ^^

    im gonna go to the dump! (not the furniture store though)
  5. weldn

    weldn Level II

    Dec 7, 2008
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    When i was a newbie, i got a Muddy Bone there and donated it without a second thought...

    Sounds like a dump autoplayer will be a great idea :D
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