I am telling you, all the people with the dumb 2012 theories more stuff to work with all the time lol. All the earthquakes are "the start of the end" Lol, I sure hope not lol
Yea, it's really starting to scare me!! Too many big natural disasters, and too many earthquakes.. things are shifting big time and I don't think it's good.
Earthquakes in China happen just as many times as you go to bathroom. Instead not every time you go to bathroom, you flush the toilet so it gets all stinky and browny and all toilet paper on the surface and you get pressure which makes an earthquake. You are destined to get a big one after a series of small ones. The sad thing is that you don't know exactly what buildings will be affected so you don't have time to evacuate anything (and we're talking about China, so there's no way [other than teleportation] you can evacuate that many people in a short time). :yup:
This chain of major earthquakes, although freaky, is not the first occurrence. We recently talked about this in my global studies class and my teacher explained that it's been recorded in history that about every 2-300 years there is a series of massive earthquakes (like someone else mentioned a "chain reaction" of sorts).