Can anyone suggest all games you can think of that gives potentially a lot of np (or any amount above 200np) for very little time invested? You don't need to tell me how much np and how much time needed to play, I just need to know the names of the games. Examples include (feel free to add to this list by copying, editing, and pasting): Destructomatch Kass Basher Kiko Match Meerca Chase Splat a Sloth Ultimate BullsEye Zorroball
The easiest games for me has always been dubloon disaster and deckball. Deckball is easy once you get a strategy down and dubloon disaster pays out pretty high.
To get 1,000 NP for Dubloon Disaster this motnh you'll need to score 1,786 or something.. that will take a while
I thought TNT changed it back to normal. At least when I played yesterday I didn't have any problems.
Destructomatch Kass Basher Kiko Match Meerca Chase Splat a Sloth Ultimate BullsEye Zorroball Are you developing a SS list? Marble Men Petz Ice Cream Game... if you develop one cone so there are two scoops in the top screen, you'll be almost done Darigan Dodgeball/Tunnel Tumble Let It Slide - 3 minutes Those are a few I find easy and quick 1k per send
Kass basher, darigan dodgeball, tunnel tumble, rink runner ^ those are quickest 1000np games. but tnt changes the ratios almost every month so..