Enhanced Flash Game Cheating Guide

Discussion in 'Neopets Guides' started by ricky92, Dec 29, 2006.

  1. ricky92

    ricky92 Administrator
    Staff Member

    Nov 10, 2006
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    Enhanced Flash Game cheating Guide

    This guide will help you hacking Neopets Flash games, so you can easily get avatars or highscores (not raccomended)

    Macromedia Flash Player 7 - Download Firefox here/Internet Explorer here
    Cheat Engine 5.3 - Buy here
    for 5 points.

    First thing to do is to follow the tutorial. Here it's explained how can you use the program. After this, we can start cheating on Neopets Flash Games. Select the process [​IMG] and start cheating.

    All the scans MUST be in double mode [​IMG]

    Here is the list of hacks

    Speed Hacking
    Ok, so the most obvious thing to do is Speedhack. You can do this on games that require fast speed like Advert Attack, so just slow it down however much you need. Finally never get a high score with this method cause TNT can catch you 100%

    Pet pet rescue
    In this game you can freeze the timer:first scan for unknown initial value, then wait for time to go down and search for "Decreased value". Do this until you have under 80 addreses. Finally die and search for "Increased value". Then just freeze the value that keeps going down by one... Done!!!

    Dubloon disaster
    You can make it so no more mines appear: get a coin so there is one mine and search for 1, then get another onr so there are two mines and search 2. You should have like two addreses, so pick the one which goes to 0 when both mines explode. Important: change value to 20, don't freeze and you won't have mines anymore.

    Here is another one ... With this hack you can change the value of dubloons... Look at the coin, if it is 2 search 2, if it is 5 search 5 and so on... Pick it up and look at the coin that appears then search for its value. Do this until you have 2 or 3 addresses and change all 2 or 3 to something like 200. Now just pick up the coin and... Done!!! Avatar and high-score!!!

    Meerca chase
    Start the game in Easy mode (another one is just IMPOSSIBLE!!!) and get one negg: you now have one thing following you, so search for 1. Get another 1 and search 2. You should have a couple addreses... if not get another one and search 3. Finally change the value to zero and freeze. No more white thing will follow you.

    Sophie's Stew
    You can have infinite lives in this game, just start the game and search for 5. Now loose a life and search for 4, loose another one and search for 3. Freeze the value at 3, 4 or 5 and you will have infinite lives.

    Petpet cannonball
    You can have infinite tries in this game. You start with 10, but dont scan yet. Use a try and search for 9, then loose another try. Search for 8 and look through the addreses: find the 8 and ignore the 8.00001, 8.1111, etc. Now don't freeze it, just change it to 99 or 50 or whatever you want.

    Evil Fuzzles from beyond the Stars
    In this game you can do a lot of hacks. Lets start with infinite credits: first complete a round and (at the shop screen) search for how many credits you have. Then compleate another round and search again, change that value to like 1000 or whatever you like(its better not to freeze cause that messes the game up sometimes)

    Now we can do an easier hack... Infinte ammo, mines, etc
    First pick an item you want a lot of, for example smart bombs. Then buy three of them and search 3. Buy like two more and search 5. Now you should have 2 addresses: make them both a high number. Remember: its better not to freeze!!!

    Infite armor/health
    So, first search for the amount of armor you have, play around and loose some. Now search for that value. Do this until you only have several addresses, then just freeze the results. GOD MODE!!!

    Chemistry for begginers
    In this game you can do two useful things: first of you can have unlimited tries. Look at how many tries you have and search for that number, then use 1 and search for that value. Do this until you have 1 address and freeze.

    You can also make the element which is next anything you want (for example red, blue, etc.): when the next elements is green search for one. Now keep using elements until the one you are about to use is blue and scan for 2. Then narrow the address list down to 4-1 by scaning 1 for green, 2 for blue or 3 for red. Finally just change that value to what you want:
    1 will give you green element,
    2 will give you blue element,
    3 will give you red element.

    General Game Hacking

    Score editing
    Since there are many games, here is how you can edit the score of them. Ok, this can only be done on a few games... All you have to do is scan for your score and then wait until it changes. Then scan again, if you get 1 address you just can't change the score, but if you get 2 or 3 addresses, then you probobly can just change all of the values to the score you want. Notice that most games freeze when you do this, so you just have to find the right ones!!!

    freeze timer
    This can be useful for many games, the only problem is that this often takes a while, but if you have the time go for it. First scan with "Unknown initial value", then wait for the timer to go down 3-4 seconds and scan for decreased value. Continue doing this until you have a visible list of addresses and finally freeze the one that is obviously your time (it will keep going down by one and be the same number as your timer). Done!!!

    PS = +rep appreciated
  2. gaelle

    gaelle Level IV

    Dec 24, 2006
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    it's better explain ! but i've 2 problem, when i want to cheat at sophie stew, i put 5 in the beginning of the game and i scan, then i loose a life and i scan for 4 but i haven't got any value ! and how can i freeze the value ? thanks a lot, +rep for you ! and go to see my gummy dice guide please =)
  3. baldudexx

    baldudexx Level III

    Dec 26, 2006
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    In your house
    Lol, thought Marcel + me had already cleared all this up... :twisted:
  4. ricky92

    ricky92 Administrator
    Staff Member

    Nov 10, 2006
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    I know, but this is a step-by-step guide for beginners...