I don't think its possible, unless you can find a way to add pixels while enlarging the picture which is like impossible xD
Ive seen numerous people do it, and there's plently of guides. But i thought it'd be better to know from someone with experience.
graphics-and-art-tutorials-f43/raster-and-vector-images-t18592.html Hurray, I was able to find it again. x)
yeah sorry to say, the only thing is "smart" enlarging that photoshop does, the quality won't be as bad but it's still bad, unless it's vector you're always going to lose pixels =/
Ehh, I don't think there's any other way. You can try sharpening the image using the filters after you enlarge it, but I think the results aren't exactly satisfactory. Or, at least, I'm not skilled enough to produce satisfactory results with that method/
Yeah that's why I said that the results aren't exactly very satisfactory, unless you're crazily skilled with the pen tool xD
If you are in desperate need of enlarging a raster image, you could always pay someone who's good at it to convert your raster to a vector.
I dont really think you can do this,..--> Its like create apples out of thin air..When you enlargen an image, you are taking wats there and stretching it. No componentschange
I think i could be able to Vector that, it would take a few hours tho :S maybe so dynamic vectorization in Illustrator would do it...