i downloaded some scar programs, but how the heck do they worK? i got scar on my pc, the most recent version... but when i start the program and press play while the game is open, nothing happens? any pointers?
did you download scripts? after you download some scripts, copy and paste the appropriate script into the scar textbox and press play
in fact, you need to specify the windows in witch you want scar to play... you take the crosshair (see pic below) and drag it to the window where the game is. When it's done, scar will know that it will execute code in there only... That's the way scar is working If you need any more help, lemme know... I'm a scripter and know scar quite well.
xwha this is what i was looking for xD the scar programs i got like 200m peanut dash don't rlly work tho xD but oh well^^
the best is to learn from those script and start scripting yourself... And since TNT change the way the game are played (game is not loaded in a new windows anymore), the script may not work properly. I think I'll take a look and update them
tharoux, thanks for posting that crosshair i was totally confused when i read that in a script but i figured it out now