Is it considered bad etiquette to donate for the sake of getting a program? I want to make sure I don't do anything stupid and I couldn't find anything in the forum rules on this subject.
no, it is certainly not bad etiquette, although occasionally one of the newer members might question where you got the points from (if you're donating for points) there is nothing in the rules about it, correct, and, as MCheezie said, the only person who will know what you donated is expon
I donated 35$ wen I joined Im doin alright I think.. Lol it was totally worth it, I made that money back in 2 weeks
The main point is your donating. I'd say thats a pretty good deed since there are so many people out there who would never donate.
lol, honestly I doubt anyone actually "donates" I'll bet (almost) everyone who "donates" is just trying to get a program. But I'm not saying its bad or corrupt, people who give to expon deserve a reward
lol the only way it would be bad etiquette is if you flaunted it around the forum XD cuz if you donate and get AU lol you'll have a better program than a good amount of level 2's can even hope to have XD
In any case, feel free to donate for programs. No one will judge you or hold anything against you for it.