games take certain times to get certain scores so if u send a score in 60 seconds when its a game that usually takes say 20 minutes to get that score...chances are you get frozen for it or some games your score is based on the time remaining so you need to have the proper sending time
min or max time, idk. Wait time means how long do you play the game for. Is it realistic that you played the game for 60 secs and get a trophy score or 180 sec? Answer is, neither since they times are wait too short Maybe for some games is possible, but to be safe always use long wait times. Be realistic, i'm not sure if theres a max time for each game, since i always use ss lists. For np ssing, wait time are usually shorter since you expect the account would freeze anyways and the goal is to make as much np as possible. To answer your question, 180 sec is safer than 60 sec
When trying to decide realistic SS times, the higher the better. While it's simply impossible to legitly play get high score with a low time, if you put a high time it'll look like you did something else for a while before sending the score, or you weren't happy with your score and tried again. I've heard of someone setting their trophy times to 6 hours-20ish hours and pass reviews that way.
I'd personally use a higher number, this way it's much less likely to get Frozen. Otherwise your running the risk of getting caught by x2.
Is it how long you play the game for i.e hit the START button to game over or how long the "game application window" is open for?
Longer times are not always better. Depends on the game you're playing. IE, splat a sloth only takes 1-5 seconds or so to finish. Whereas, games like snot splatter takes up to 30minutes to obtain a good score. Times are from time you hit "start" in the game and you have an active control until the time you hit send score. Use my guide below (listed in my siggy) for making safer SS lists. It shows how to calculate safe times/score combination. NOTE: NO score is safe. Because its all cheating. But using the guide should help make it as safe as possible.
For splat a sloth, I guess it's different since it auto sends for you so it's not possible for you to have simply forgotten to send the score then came back to send. But I'd still say that an over long time is always safer than an overly short time. If you're going for trophys, it IS realistic that you spent hours and hours playing, but you didn't send a lot of the scores since they you were aiming for trophy score
Yes hours and hours playing.. however, when using a score sender its sending how long THAT GAME took to play. Not how long you've been playing that game for in total. Therefore, longer is not better. Smart is better
Maybe it's different with different score senders. I heard on another forum that with sLAUGHTER's, it's the time you spend in total counting the ones you didn't send.