[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g-VEWuStpOU[/youtube] I had to google it.. I've NEVER heard of any of these games. They don't look too bad. Sort of a RPG similar to final Fantasy, Legend of Dragoon, Zelda etc. Obviously completely different story / gameplay.. I might have to hire this one o.o
= Game Instantly = Crap! (jks) I've got access to a 360 Second to that.. You'll just have to make some gameplay videos for me More MoH please!
heh this is probably the only game making me want a 360 Otherwise i'll stick with PS3 (not wanting to start a flame topic here....!)
I want an xbox just for the sake of playing this game. Luckily my friend has it && I can pretty much always play at his.
Yeah, I'm not gonna lie, I'm very excited about this. I'm in love with all fable, but for some reason I feel more attached to the first Fable, it has a feel that I don't think Lionhead will be able to replicate. Still Fable 3 should be an amazing game.
well i just beat it after playing it nonstop for 24 hours ill probably do another run through as an evil character this time. Pretty good much better than Fable 2 but not as good as Fable 1.... Some hard achievements though...
dont ruin anything for me charlie cuz im refusing to play this game until most major assignments are done but please tell me the ending is much much much better than the ending for fable 2 cuz fable 2 was amazing until the end
that is amazing i was so disappointed by the end of fable 2, the fight at the end of the spire was a better boss
hmm it sucks that its only for the xbox. I really wanted to play fable 2 and would love 3. I remember playing fable 1 you must lay it once as good and once as evil. so much fun.