Found a nice autodoer for the faeriecrossword It works fine i know a lot of people that have used it and i use it everyday. You have to be logged into neopets before you use it so it goes straight to where you can play it.
i have seen one of these before there one of the best GAME programs i have ever seen(only seen 2 or 3) :lol:
THANKS that is sooo cool! and very useful! i just used it and wow!! btw, will there be a post for a new url everyday or cna we just use the same one everyday?
Yay for Help Awesome little helper. I always hated finding a site that had the answers. Yet this one even puts them in for you. ^_^
Rawr! Would TNT find it suspicious for you to finish in 10 seconds? Or is it impossible for them to know? I'll be damned if I'm going to get iced over a puzzle.
Drama! True. I guess I'll just click a tad slower to keep any suspicion away. It would suck ABing for months and getting frozen over a crossword puzzle. I'd laugh then die a little on the inside.