Well, it's me again. Back in bussiness. Signatures of any kind any size (even avatars) order below. Free of charge :yup:
can you make one that has Mewtwo in it maybe with the moon and stars in the background? or you can make a metabee vs rokusho sig.
Could you please make me a signature using my main pet JadeGeisha and making it pirate themed? Thanks!
this is really just a throwing it out there dotdenz with kinda a dark smooth + suave theme? maybe the font in white? I dunno, whatever just seems cool and smooth oh and edit: if you can, maybe something to go along with my siggy 'Phantom doors'? =P
Could You Make me a Grunt thiemed one from Halo 3 that has my name in the very bottom right in small letters?
Yup. If you give me your content award . just joking, congrats for getting it. BTW, I finished incendia's siggy : Spoiler I made it too big lol. :maha: Resized it : Spoiler
K, thanks Fasty ^^ BTW, just post a couple of guides, and your good at graphics already, so, shouldnt be all that hard for you to get it.
THAT IS AWESOME DUDE!!!! (I cant add anymore exclamation marks without looking like a tool) I owe you my life ^^ +rep 4 shiz
A sig with sora, from Kingdom Hearts, would be great. I had one already saved on my computer...but its for a different username so Im out of luck
I'm taking fail's request right now. I may not be able to finish yours today but I will try WoW dotdenz i didn't thought you would like it that much. It was quite hard to start with, though. Edited : Finished fail's siggy. Spoiler