Anyone here practice martial arts? I extensively practice Shaolin Gung Fu and Hawaiian Kenpo ( wierd combo )
Muay Thai is my favorite. Teaches you not to feel pain. I took Tai Kwon Do a while back and didn't like it at all.
Ive actually never tried martial arts. I see alot of movies and stuff with moves that look super hard. but i cant even do a cart wheel XD However i know its prolly a good work out. Do you have personal trainers or watch videos and practice the moves?
I would say one, but they are all too hard to spell. I did tyke-wan-doe or however you spell it for a couple years but never really got into it. It would be awesome to be really good at it for self defense and just cool-ness.
Why not? I'm asking 'cause this is one I think about when I'm wondering if begin Martial Arts... I never tried Martial Arts anyway, even if I have drooling over them since I was a child... but I think I'm not fitting them :nope: However this is a big wish I have... so, if I had to start a Martial Art from the 0 level, which would you suggest? Almost everyone said Muay Thai... well, never heard of it. Have you to be strong?
I learned Kung Fu for a while and then wanted to make my own version of martial arts by concentrating and focusing chi from my body and my hands and feet. I know I can do it if I train a lot
I would like to learn the art of gentle fist, but I'm not so sure that it exists beyond the realm of Naruto. The idea of control and such seems like it would be a perfect fit for my personality.
Lol weird anime stuff.. But i agree with the control part, it makes sense to have complete power over yourself
I prefer ju-juitsu because contains a whole martial arts . However I don't practise martial arts :| .