Krawk Draik cuz they expensive/rare/ look decent Jetsam looks cool/sorta rare Pteri cuz awesome battle pet and looks pretty cool Lupe looks pretty sick and has awesome species moves
Pre or post conversion? Way back when, I loved Kyriis. My pride and joy was a shadow kyrii that I created and saved all by myself to paint. People would tell me 'Nice Kyrii.' Good times. Then I took a trip to greenland, and he's sitting in my first account still, looking hideous. Now adays, I'm not sure what I like, I just sort of zap and trade - pardon - zapped and traded. Frozen again. Suppose I'd like a white krawk. Dunno why. I hate the conversions of everything.
*looks at dream list* Pirate Lutari going simply off species, either Zafara, Poogle, Draik, or whatever my lab rat is at any given time
Darigan and Baby Pteri (I'm a domer) if I had to go with my none battle pet baby scorchio(although I use him for battling as well )
I don't have a favourite species. I have favourite pet + colour combinations, but too many to list xD If I had to choose a species, perhaps lennies? Hahaha. I used to like shoyrus but no longer. Oh, and gelerts, maybe ;o