Fetch Guide !

Discussion in 'Neopets Guides' started by gaelle, Dec 26, 2006.

  1. gaelle

    gaelle Level IV

    Dec 24, 2006
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    Part 1 - The Tools

    This is the Tentacompass. It is located to the right of your screen and is your means of movement while in the maze. To use it, all you need to do is to click on the arm that's pointing in the direction that you want to go. If you want to take a step to the left you click on the left arm etc...

    Part 2 - The Maps

    There are 5 different maps to choose from although at the beginning you will only be able to access 3 of them. The other 2 will be unlocked as you attain higher scores.

    This is the smallest map in the game at 10x10 (10 steps long for each side) and the one I recommend the most for practicing on until you get a comfortable feel for the game. You get 65 steps to complete the maze and your base reward is 101 nps.

    The second smallest map at 15x15 (15 steps long for each side) allows you 100 steps to complete the maze and your base reward is 201 nps.

    The middle size map is 20x20 (20 steps long for each side) allows you 175 steps to complete the maze and your base reward is 501 nps.

    The first of the unlockable maps is 25x25 (25 steps long for each side) and is the one I recommend as the best for earning nps and getting really high scores. You get 225 steps to complete the maze and your base reward is 1501 nps. You need to post a score of 1000 to unlock this map.

    The next unlockable map is the largest in the game at 30x30 (30 steps long for each side). You have a total of 250 steps to complete the maze and your base reward is 2501 nps. Although it has by far the largest prize in the game it isn't recommended because the map size is 44% larger than Fiendish but you only get an 11% increase in steps to complete it.

    Part 3 - The Strategy

    There are 3 basic points of interest to discuss and those are:
    1 Where to find the item
    2 How to start out
    3 Where to find the exit

    1)Where to find the item

    The item will always be found within one square of the exact center of the maze. For example, in an Easy maze the item will be at the 5th or 6th square from the top and at the 5th or 6th square from the left. In a Medium maze the item will be at the 7th, 8th or 9th square from the top and at the 7th, 8th or 9th square from the left etc.

    2)How to start out

    When you start out you will always be at the edge of the maze. This is good because it gives you a point of reference, you now know how many steps toward the center you must move to find the item. For instance if you start on the left side of a Fiendish maze, you know you need to move 12 steps to the right to find the item. Now you simply have to count. Every time you take a step to the right you add 1 and every time you take a step to the left you subtract 1. If you get to 13 (the center) and you don't see the item yet, you know that it's either directly above or below you. Pick the easiest route and head that way. If you run into the top (or bottom) edge, you went the wrong way but now you know exactly where the item is. Now you have to keep track of both directions. I keep track by counting in my head in the following manner. If I know that I'm on the 5th square from the left and the 3rd square from the top and I move right, right, down, down, left, I'll count "6-3, 7-3, 7-4, 7-5, 6-5 etc.

    3)Where to find the exit

    The exit will almost always be on the side opposite to the one from which you started (maybe one time in a hundred it'll be on a different side but not often enough to worry about) so if you started at the top the exit will be found on the bottom edge. The only real difficulty occurs when you start in an exact corner because then there will be two possible sides that the exit could be on (for example if you start at the top left corner the exit could be on the right side or on the bottom). Here's what the exit looks like:


    Part 5 - The Scoring

    Your score from completing a maze depends on two things: the size of the maze you completed and how many steps you have left when you reach the exit. The amount of points you get for finding the exit is the same as the amount of nps you earn (101 for Easy, 201 for Medium etc.) plus you also get points (and nps) equal to 1/2 the steps you have left (rounded down). So if you finish a Hard maze with 23 steps left you earn 512 points and nps, 501 for completing the Hard maze and 11 for your remaining steps. You get high scores by finishing successive mazes. If you beat 5 mazes in a row the scores are all added together and the total will be your running score. Once you fail to complete a maze your score will be reset to zero.

    I hope this guide can help you ! Good Luck :)
  2. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    you should make the guid ewith pictures, and circle the places that you're talking about. If you do that, i'll rep you :)
  3. gaelle

    gaelle Level IV

    Dec 24, 2006
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    ok i know that for next time ! thanks for your help !
    OH THANK YOU VERY MUCH i was don't know that i can edit my post =)
  4. ricky92

    ricky92 Administrator
    Staff Member

    Nov 10, 2006
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    you can edit your post!!! ;)
  5. gaelle

    gaelle Level IV

    Dec 24, 2006
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    I've refresh my guide =D how do you find him now ?