...Unless you get there at the right time, (when they restock) then the items that they are asking for are generally Unbuyable and rare. Hence no one else fed them. If you go on the neoboards, on the games board. there is a kad feeding times board. Use that to work out when they restock. then you can either feed by searching the wiz, out of your inventory (if you know what items you need.. and there are some lists available) or from your safety deposit box.
Kad Feeding neopets-information-f82/full-kad-food-list-t4578.html neopets-information-f82/guide-to-the-kadoatery-t7604.html neopets-information-f82/kad-feeder-guide-t5294.html neopets-information-f82/kad-feeding-guide-t1244.html neopets-information-f82/legit-kadoatie-feeding-t4024.html Try one of those. We also have an automatic kadoatie feeder in our downloads section, so check it out if it's in your budget.
downloads.php?d=274 Thats the link for the Kad Feeder if you can't find it - It's called Power Feeder not Kad Feeder