fluffy cosplayers..to dress or not to dress

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by blindblackcat, Nov 18, 2011.

  1. blindblackcat

    blindblackcat Newbie

    Nov 18, 2011
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    i myself am considdered a fluffy cosplayer im not like a size 30 mind you but im not no size 10 either. and many men in the fandom circles i dress in are dogs believeing only skinny girls should cosplay. i personaly believe thats bull crap but im not going to run around as some skimpy character either i know my current limits XD but back on task...yea or neigh should hukskier guys and galls still cosplay to thier hearts content? the views on beauty is an odd thing here the thin prevail but in countries such as hawaii,samoa and africa its the huskier gals that are seen as beautiful....any thoughts?
  2. dawgi100

    dawgi100 Level I

    Mar 19, 2012
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    cosplay is gross! please stop it.