Have any of you watched FMA? It is personaly my favorite anime, because it has one of the best storylines I've seen so far. If anyone does not know (which I doubt) the show is about a different world which can use alchemy (or deconstruct, and reconstruct objects using the energy gotten from the people who die in our world).
I've seen almost all the episodes of this show. Me and my sister really like it, but its been a while since i watched t. Really good storyline though ^^
Loved it,also saw the movie which was touching but a little dissapointing in the end.Still I won't spoil it for you guys.
Yeah, I like the series and the movie was great, but it was somewhat dissapointing, I thought it would be better
don't spoil the ending please. FMA, no 1 on my anime list! Excellent storyline. Watch the whole anime in 2 days and a day later I watched it all over again in 2 days :lol: