Yeah, I was surfing a while ago, and TNT has accounts you can get on. But you dont Sign-In with the login button. Here Are Screenies Too: I think this one is Too Edit Maps, Etc.: Pretty Sure they use this one to login the Support and reply to Frozen Accounts, etc.: For the First one, Type This In: http://images. neopets. com/maps/map_shell_v8.swf For The Second, (Support) Type This In: Replace TNTUser w/ a person who works at TNT, like Heidi, Emily, etc... Idk if anyone else knew this, I just found it, so hopefully it will be useful
I can just imagine the many brute-force attempts that will be taking place, now. If the site get shut down for a week, I blame you.
wow the possibilities are endless..... both good and bad. Just imagine if someone actually succeeded in brute forcing their way in. The amount of havoc they could wreak would be pretty insane. >
omg it would be anarchy just think of all the frozen accounts with millions on them... a person can easily transfer everything to themselves if they get through. lol.. the pass is probablyreally complex and changed everyday so i dont think anyone will crack it.
I was just messin around, and I discovered somethin important ^^ Imagine how many unfrozen accts, neopoints, TNT going out of business
Didn't neopets indeed did get hacked once? I'm not too sure of it. BUT,'d also get sued if you could break in. So your moment of glory with your infinite NP is over D:
I personally love anarchy but I usually don't cause it. So I won't brute force my way in. I'll just wait for the experts to come and show their best. Just to not be useless I posted some info, many of you don't know about TNT : Spoiler The Neopets Team (TNT for short) are the official employees of Neopets Inc. who work on the website. Their official user account theneopetsteam is the only account in which the TNT will official contact users through NeoMail, a fact strengthened all the more with the exploding TNT avatar (TNT shares the same abbreviation is Trinitrotoluene), used only by the The Neopets Team. User account types Sometimes a member of TNT has their own user account, and if they choose can signify they are a member of TNT by a tag on the bottom of their User Lookup. There are also other accounts which are used for special pruposes on Neopets. The collected ones are... Monitor - The most basic kind of account. Monitors watch over the interactions between users on the site. Sometimes artists, writers and other employees are given this account type, confusing other users. Some monitors are in charge for one country only. These are listed as "Non-US-Monitors" at the end of this article. Auction - This type of account creates special auctions in the Auction House for regular users to bid on. The items involed usually are very rare. Lawyer - Account given to Lawyerbot, the lawyer for Neopets. Used by Laywerbot to find spammers, scammers, and other illegal activities on Neopets. Programmer - Programmers create games and plots around the site. Trivia On January 14, 2000, The Neopets Team turned into Pokémon On January 18, 2000, an admin power was added to the website, which allowed The Neopets Team to give items to users. One of the test accounts, paganmachine, is the neoboards portuguese moderator. Taken from here.
Im not quite sure if it was hacked or even how they did it. But last year around i think april if you went and withdrew or deposited np into your bank account or collected interest your np in the bank would double. Alot of ppl noticed and went on huge shopping sprees and bought everything they ever wanted. Eventually most of the ppl that abused it were frozen. But some ppl also got away with the spare np.'s common sense for people to realize, Concussion only made this thread to tell us about HIS discovery of TNT's "log in page". We don't HAVE the password to it. NO ONE does except the staff. Don't get greedy kiddies. Trying can get you into probably in a court case in which you'll lose so much money your parents will put you for adoption. It's against the laws I do believe. So why are you people asking for passwords anyways?
Yeah people asking for the password is pretty silly. That's why people have been mentioning brute forcing their way into it. Which is pretty much what it sounds like.