I got a quest from her and I finished it! Now....what pet/color combination should I get? I was thinking maybe island/robot kacheek.
Well on neopets itself you can trade neopets but Neofriends has a black market which will be open to you when you raise in level. In the black market people sell accounts, pets, items, neopoints... pretty much everything =]
I've been waiting for a FFQ for years. Been playing so long and never have gotten one. I say a pirate xwee
I guess all the refreshing helped?... that was another one that caught my eye I might just end up making the most expensive pet I can
Haha you may as well FFQ's don't come along that often *shakes fist* just make the most expensive pet that you like =]
Don't go for the avatar lol x) I made that stupid mistake and now regret it :/ Id make a Pirate Pet, Pea Chia, Maraquan Pet, or just put a custom ffq up for sale
Quick note, robot is one of the few colors that aren't available from the fountain faerie. =( And on another note, I got my first FFQ on my main earlier this morning, as well. (I don't know what to do with it, either, though.)
Teehee, in my years of playing I've gotten two. The first I used to paint my freshly-zapped-into-a-Bori Faerie. Then a week later I got another and painted my Shoyru Plushie *huggles*. The best part was both were fairly cheap, one was a cake of some sorts and the other was a BD item.
Congrats. I've been playing neo since 2001 and never gotten an FFQ.. I took a break for 4-5 years but yeah. Still hoping..
Bad times, I'll join the club. 7 years and no quest. I'd paint my shoyru plushie. If I had two even better, then I'd paint my Uni Pirate :yup:
Pirate Krawwwwwwwwk, piraaaaaaaaattttttteeeeee kraaaaaaaaaaawkkkkkkk, pirateeeeeeeee krawk. My dream pet just happens to be a Pirate krawk=) You should probably go for the most expensive pet you can though.