Freeze Rate/Ab'ing Questions

Discussion in 'Neopets Chit-Chat' started by vivitarium, Nov 22, 2009.

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  1. vivitarium

    vivitarium Level I

    Nov 20, 2009
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    Hello everyone.

    I was just wondering if there was a guide to all the different programs and the corresponding freeze rates:
    i.e., score sending, autobuying, spidering, etc.

    Additionally, I was wondering if anyone had been keeping track of the freeze rates at the different shops?
    For instance, it's drifted around that Magic Shop ab'ing is high freeze rate, and pharm is relatively low freeze rate, but what about more obscure things like spooky food or meridell food or shenkuu petpet?

    Also, does anyone know, concerning ab'ing. Do people get frozen after they attempt to sell the stuff that they bought for profit? Is that how TNT catches people? Is it possible to use an ab'er to get something from a shop for personal use- and not get frozen- i.e. is this lower risk?

    Thanks, and apologies if there is something like this already out there, but I couldn't find anything, and a lot of the guides seem to be years/months old, and I'm not sure how quickly TNT updates their security.

  2. GrapeFruit

    GrapeFruit Level IV

    Dec 12, 2006
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    The Beach
    Freeze Rates:
    Abing- Probably has the highest freeze rates amongst other programs. You just need to be smart about it and don't get greedy. If you were to ask most people who were successful at abing why they got iced it's cuz they did something dumb or they got greedy.

    SSing- Moderate but not that high just like abing, be smart about it change up the list, change up your times, make sure your games list is up to date and you'll be fine.

    Spidering/Refreshers- Same as SSing just be smart about how you use it. There are very few people who stay online for 72 hours clicking away on the site just to look at stuff.

    Abing Shop Freeze Rates:
    Magic has been known to have THE Highest freeze rate out of every shop but it can be said for other shops as well. You just need to be smart about it. Little to no legit players can get 10 MPs a day or buy in less than 2 seconds. Don't ab to much in the same shop to many days in a row. Change up shops change up times you ab.

    How abers get frozen:
    It really depends but from my experience most times when I was frozen for abing it was right after I sold one of my high-end items that I just bought. It's always recommended for high-end items like over 1m profit to hold on to it for a few days and on even bigger things(10m+) at least a week depending on the item and how legit your account looks.
    vivitarium likes this.
  3. sentimentalwuss

    Nov 26, 2009
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    Thanks for the info about this, I was kind of wondering. The most I've ever done was try to purchase np from someone, and that didn't work out very well haha.
  4. Heather

    Heather Level IV

    Dec 15, 2009
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    That was a great explanation!! I'm looking to start using an ABer and you basically answered a lot of my questions/doubts about it. Thanks a lot!!! <3
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