Trophies reset today anybody going for anything? I'm trying to get Illusen trophy and Kass Basher trophy all legit
they reset at 12:00 pm last night, so new trophies get awarded at 12:00 tonight im already out for both of the ones i was going for im trying to test something with a scoresender but i cant get the SS working
I'm going for one trophy . I have a silver in it right now. I'll check back in on it in a few hours to make sure i get atleast a silver.
good luck, i was going for illusen, but on my second quest i got asked for those neohome superstore items which sucks so i didnt get it
I was just about to start a thread for this but I have a problem: I received high score (illegit) in about 3 games and was at the top of the table 30 minutes before high scores reset but I didnt get a trophy? It still says I have the score in the "My Scores" section, but no trophy?
They are only reviewing your score is they said so, if they didn't than you're fine sometimes they award trophies at different times though, you could have missed it by a few minutes I once waiting right until 11:59 to send a score, and turned out they had awarded trophies like 5 minutes before 12 so I got screwed
Sorry if this is a dumb question, but u have to be on the high score table at the end of the month when scores reset to receive a trophy? You don't get it if you are on the high score table sometime in the middle of the month? Also, do they review every score that they award a trophy to?
scores are awarded every day at around midnight every game has its own review score, im not sure if NF has a list of the review scores, but there are lists around somewhere, ill look for one and post it neopets-cheats-f80/game-score-review-list-t10767.html?hilit=game%20review%20score heres a list, its from 2007 so im not sure how updated it is, if theres a newer one someone could link it here oh heres a newer one: viewtopic.php?f=22&t=17141 still kinda old though
yeah I was drunk and missed this month's reset..oh well I need to go for a few. does anyone know when those shockwave/3d life games will be back?