I just got a GameCube today, and The Legends of Zelda, The Twilight Princess, and I'm using this cruddy REALLY small TV my mom gave me, and even then it is a AWESOME game. I love this game so much I am like a Zelda-Junkie :twisted:
I really never played any zelda game so far, but I'll buy the new game for the Wii once I get my hands on it.
Eh, it could be better. I'm one of those guys who prefers the originals more than the new games. I must admit though, I saw some guys playing it on the Wii at a card/comic place that I go to occasionally and it looked fun! I guess the console makes it different .
I'm sure I'll finally get a go on this game when my boyfriend completes it. He hasnt spoken for a fair few hours now and its worrying... he's hypnotised.
My friend has this game. I played it once at his house and I must say it rivals the great Mario Party for best Gamecube Game of all time.
man same here i got that game as soon as it came out and have played it so much its so sweet swinging the sword around