I was shopping around for Forces Unleashed (360), and I noticed that Gamestop.com and ebgames.com have the same layout, ads, and even prices. I thought they were separate entities. Are they not? Just looks too similar to me for them to operate on their own.
I wonder about this too. I think Gamestop and Ebgames are partners, not entirely sure. Ebgames sells used games too, doesn't it?
At my mall, the Ebgames became a Gamestop, and then the Babbages became another Gamestop. Yes 2 Gamestops in 1 mall not even that far apart. Only good thing Ebgames had was it's computer games, and now I have to go to Walmart to get them.... There are no more good PC game stores... QQ ~Parisdirt
EBGames and Gamestop are partners I think. Almost like a Wal-Mart and Sams Club kind of thing. In my mall it's called EBX but it's owned by Gamestop. Same layout, same merchandise, even sell the gamestop discount card things... So I think they're either partners or one in the same.
i always thought gamestop bought ebgames. There was 3 different ebgames within 5 miles of my house and all of them became gamestop in the last 2 years.
i believe gamestop and ebgames are partners because their stores are combined into 2 in ones, meaning the stores sell both gamestop products and ebgame products.
EBGames and Gamestop merged into one company and they used Gamestop bags and receipts and everything EBGames. This change took place on November 13th 2007.