What is the best way to win prizes on neopets? I remember the gym was really good to get abunch of items until they got rid of it. Also when you could hold the enter button on Dice-a-roo was pretty good too but that also has been changed and you get frozen now.
If your internet connection is decent, you might want to try the new KeyQuest game. It gives out neggs and codestones as prizes. Plus, it's decently fun.
Just play a 2 person 5 key game. Then if you win, you get a gold key...if you lose you get a silver key. After the game ends you go to the vault to redeem your prizes. The silver key will get you 3 random items and the gold key will get you 4 random items...there will usually be at least 1 codestone or negg in each group of prizes
Yeah, that's why it's such a great game to play...although if you're internet connection is slow or if your computer is crappy, then the game can take a long time to complete, and it's not really worth it It's a lot of fun though when it works properly!
You will probally think im an idiot for asking thisd but when playing the game where you rope the petpets do you have to connect at the ends of your rope?
Um, I don't think so...KQ runs really slowly on my computer, so that game is particularly annoying...it doesn't register the loops very well...
Does KQ often take a long time to load? I tried it and I think I have moderately fast internet connection, but after 5 minutes I got bored of waiting and just closed the window.
It was the page when you load the game after selecting a game to play. It had a white background with the blue circle loading thing. Ive tried it again and its ok now. PLUS I WON A SHO CODESTONE (i think its pretty rare). Thanks anyway.
For real??? Wow, I didn't think KQ gave out higher level codestones...I thought it just gave out the basic ones...but congrats! That's like 50k right there!
yeah, it was awesome. ON MY SECOND TIME PLAYING. gold key. im gonna sell it for 60k. btw, im a noob at neopets, so what do codestones actually do? i know they train your pets, but do they increase levels or give abilities or what?
You can use codestones in order to increase your pet's level, strength, agility, defense, or hp. Your pet's level determines how many codestones you have to pay per time you want to train your pet, and each other stat can only be twice your level (max). I'm sure there's a thread somewhere on NF that talks about training your pet. Search it.
I think you mean neoquest II. Neoquest I just gives you neopoints and a trophy. And the first run through, all the prizes are bad. The second run through, half the prizes are worth around 10k, not much for the effort. The third time around, half of the items are worth less than a million. The other two are decent, but you're putting in dozens upon dozens (at least over 100+) of hours into it. It's not that bad, but if you don't like the game, it may seem like forever.
Haha yeah XD Im in the middle of neoquest one and it really does seem like forever. But i would suggest keeping an eye out for plots or challenges. i know sometimes plots are annoying but at the end they usually give pretty good stuff. The AAA challenge is going on right now. So far everything is super easy and you get random stuff for doing it plus a trophie.