It's time to face the facts. Your computer's hard drive is a mess, and you have no idea where anything is in it. Heck, you don't even know what's in it. Search tools haven't helped; all they tell you is what you already know: that your data is a mess. What you need is understanding and organization. Enter SpaceMonger, the best-kept secret of computer-room system-administrators the world over. Imagine, if you will, being able to fly over the mountains and hills and valleys of your drive in an airplane, elegantly soaring over the data and seeing from above how it all fits together. No matter how messy your data, no matter how jam-packed your drive, SpaceMonger can give you that bird's-eye-view you've wished for. With the magic of treemaps, as well as charts and graphs aplenty, you'll never be lost in your data again! Spacemonger - your salvation! You will never be sad again, Spacemonger will fill your joy The very joy that you refrain, This program will be your TOY!
Although the concept of this program is good, it doesn't beat one that I had ages ago back in the win2K days. It was basically a map of my computer, with coloured bars indicating how much space each folder is taking up. Although not as feature packed or concise as yours, it was a quick and easy way to see where all the space was being taken up from. However, these days I'm running 2x F3 1gb's and I've only managed to use up 300gb of it in 5 months, so space isn't really an issue for me at this stage. Nevertheless, I did download it and stick it into my backup programs folder for one day when I do need it. Thanks for the link