I been doing a bit of semi-legit-ish restocking and I've sort of noticed a few things wondering if anyones had similar experiences. After a bit of a long break from neopets I went back and tried to do a little RSing and did pretty decently, getting around 700-800k each days RS. I was on holiday so i spent a significant portion of around three days RS hard out only using copy and paste around 6 hours a day with no RS bans. At the time I was using the google chrome internet browser. Then I remembered this site <3 and gave some GM scripts a go for my RSing auto haggle and add block, I had to use Mozilla for this as I am computer illiterate and not able to use similar things for Chrome. I was using 3.0 something at first and I could not RS for 45-mins without getting RS banned. I upgraded to FF 3.5 and started to try using a GM that would click the picture itself, now I last around 20 minutes. Is this mostly just bad luck or am i refreshing to much? Do the different GM scripts make a difference? Is it possible the internet browser makes a difference? (Am I over -analysing this? LOL) Kind of irritating cause I haven't gotten any decent RS cause I spend most my time banned, but just wondering if anyone has some idea as to the mechanics behind RS bans and could give me some pointers?
That only thing I know to tell you is that you're refreshing too much. Someone researched it and I think you can refresh every 8-13 seconds all day every day without getting RS banned. As for if the browser makes and difference - All I can say is I don't think so. And the GM scripts making a difference - Neopets did make it to where if you had GM enabled, you couldn't see the first five entries on the SW, but that broke a while ago. It's possible, but unlikely, that they implemented the same thing for Main Shops. Although I seriously doubt they did...
Yeah, well 8-13 seconds is a bit slow...but getting RS banned in 20 minutes is not a very good sign. That could mean that TNT is suspicious or the robots are. I'd suggest you just get off the account for now, and see what happens. Make sure you set up GM right, and that you aren't refreshing too fast. I usually refresh 5-13 seconds changing the settings occasionally without any problems...probably just bad luck though.
thanks for the help, I think I got a better grasp of it now, though when I was chrome legit rsing I did like 3-6 hours straight 1-2 sec refresh (yea I was a little obsessed lol) with no ban Ill probably look into it run some tests though I can't stand legit restocking anymore, no sense of eminent danger makes it a little too tame B)