xxxx_xx_xx_xxxx_# has become better at Agility/Strength/Defense! x984792479479294 STAT SUCKER ...Anyone want him? Post a pickup line or a joke and the funniest one gets it
Found this on another site. Made me laugh quite a bit. A friend of ours has a co worker whose 30 year old son is retarded, but able to fend for himself while she is at work. This is due, largely, to the time and effort she has always put forth in caring for him. But yesterday was a bit different. Her son was always told that he could call her at work for an emergency. And yesterday she got a call from her very excited son. "Mom, I have a troll trapped in the closet. You need to come home.", he said. His mom calmed him down and said she would get home as soon as she could. This seemed to appease the son. However, about an hour later, he called again.."Mom, you need to get home now. The troll is trying to break out. I have been feeding him skittles under the door, but he is really trying to escape!" The mother got to thinking that he has never called her before, and seemed genuinely excited. So she decided to take off to see what was going on. She got home to find that a midget (small person or whatever PC name you want to use) was sent around by the Census people and THAT was the troll he had locked up in the closet!!!!
No way. I would never. It was just a story I heard about so I decided to see if I could find it online and share. Poor little guy. That would scare the hell out of me.
this ain't an original piece but i still find this funny.. An old man lived alone in Idaho. He wanted to spade his potato garden, but it was very hard work. His only son, Bubba, who used to help him, was in prison. The old man wrote a letter to his son and described his predicament. Dear Bubba: I am feeling pretty bad because it looks like I won't be able to plant my potato garden this year. I'm just getting too old to be digging up a garden plot. If you were here, all my troubles would be over. I know you would dig the plot for me. Love, Dad A few days later, he received a letter from his son. Dear Dad: For heaven's sake, Dad, don't dig up that garden. That's where I buried the BODIES. Love, Bubba At 4 a.m. the next morning, FBI agents and local Police showed up and dug up the entire area without finding any bodies. They apologized to the old man and left. That same day, the old man received another letter from his son. Dear Dad: Go ahead and plant the potatoes now. It's the best I could do under the circumstances. Love, Bubba
that joke doesn't make any sense to me...did his dad give the letter to the FBI? that's not funny, that's terrible but still, congrats
LOL ! I DID ?! wasn't expecting to win it .. and yeah they screen the letters coming in and out of the prison .. will PM u once i decide on the account