Global warming

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Billy, May 30, 2008.

  1. Billy

    Billy Level IV

    Feb 21, 2007
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    ok so today we were going over global warming in science and i think there should be a debate about it!

    here are some things to discuss:
    is it reversible
    what should we do about it
    was it actually caused by humans
    and stuff like that... thisll be fun
  2. fail

    fail Level IV

    Aug 31, 2007
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    I think most of it was caused by Humans, like all Pollution and stuff, but some of it also has to be caused by nature.
  3. dreamlorde

    dreamlorde Level III

    Feb 17, 2007
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    This is what I think -

    1) Do we know for a fact that humans are contributing to global warming? Yes

    2) Can we do something about it based on just that information, without having to conclusively prove that humans are the main contributing factor or that global warming is about to destroy the planet first? Yes

    1+2 =

    3) Get it done already

    Imagine standing in a burning building arguing about who started the fire or how long it'll take to incinerate the whole house......
  4. Dark

    Dark Level IV

    May 29, 2008
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    is it reversible yes get ride of C02 lvl by lots of plants
    what should we do about it- well we are doing allot about it hear in North America by cutting back on green house gasses
    was it actually caused by humans-90% also lot of carbon is threw forest fires(also usely caused by us)
    I think over time we will reduce the amount of carbon that is out there we are coming up with new sources of power new cars and things of that nature and over time it will reduce the amount of carbon but it needs to be done fast b4 its to late.
  5. Billy

    Billy Level IV

    Feb 21, 2007
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    well for the reversible thing, i think that if we dont act now it will be irreversible. i heard that if the carbon levels go high enough to raise the earths temperature by just 5 degrees (f) then it will affect the global climate for millions of years. i believe we have scarred and damaged a planet that gave us life and stuff. i believe that after humanity and the world has come so far it would be a huge shame to just destroy ourselves with enviromental harm, or war or nukes or something. its not just a matter of saving earth, its becoming into saving ourselves too. if this keeps up, the earth could be degraded to the level that it is uninhabitable by humans. just think of that. after humans have done so much and gone so far, we would destroy our own species because of our oil obsession.
  6. Commy

    Commy Moderator
    Staff Member

    Aug 11, 2007
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    I think global warming does occur naturally, but it has been artificially affected by us. And this has affected not only us, but ecosystems around the world.
    Just a few things that would be affected by greenhouse gases and global warming:
    The sea actually absorbs a lot of the greenhouse gases such as CO2 from the atmosphere, and as a result of the increase of greenhouse gases, the ocean produces more acid from the CO2 and in turn becomes more acidic. This could affect sea life such as corals and mollusks, whose calcium carbonate could be dissolved due to the higher pH of the sea. And this could affect many of the seas' ecosystems.
    And the increase of global temperature could affect animals such as the turtle, whose eggs require different temperatures to determine its gender. An egg exposed to a higher degree of temperature in the sand will mean a female turtle will be hatched. If temperatures keep on rising, then males will become less and less frequent. It was claimed that even 3 degree Celsius could have huge effects.
    As for what we should do about it? Develop technology that is more energy efficient, attempt to use less fossil fuels and concentrate more on sustainable energy.
    ...on the other hand...
  7. peanutpunk

    peanutpunk Level II

    Jun 14, 2007
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    not much of a debate, everyone is agreeing with each other... :tehe: so here i go.

    It's all in your head... It's a conspiracy to turn us all into hippies so we can over turn the republican gov't. I mean stick it to the MAN!!!

    ok, now bomb me. B)
  8. Zer0

    Zer0 Level IV

    Mar 2, 2008
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    Home sweet home

    Global warming IS happening in a sense. By that I mean that it is warmer than it WOULD have been, not necessarily actually getting warmer. And I'm not saying that there is a significant warming either. The increased greenhouse gas emissions would warm the planet, simply because they are greenhouse gases. I don't think that there should be anything radical done to "stop" global warming. But I do believe that the people should do those little things that make our planet a better place. That includes planting a tree, carpooling, taking the bus, etc.
  9. Royal

    Royal Level IV

    Jun 20, 2007
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    Global Warming is sort of like a dentist. When you go they keep telling you to brush your teeth. It could be happening, I just want to say Al Gore is WRONG, he has his time order mixed up. Carbon came first. Anyways, it being a dentist because its like yo stop hurting the environment/brush your teeth or you will (not really) all die/get a cavity. Something like that.

    I am not really informed about this, nor do I care... at all, but this is what I know.
  10. cameronCRUNK

    cameronCRUNK Level IV

    Feb 25, 2007
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    I think it is a cycle that the Earth goes through. I'm not going to pretend to know a lot about it, but it would explain how the ice age ended.
  11. xxlypse

    xxlypse Level I

    May 31, 2008
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    The only reason I don't agree that it is a cycle is because of all the pollutants that we let out...
    At some point it's gotta do some damage. I'm no expert, but I'd say if it kills us it's not so good for the earth either.
  12. FastBullet

    FastBullet Level IV

    Feb 7, 2007
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    Global Warming means in Worm 4 Mayhem terms that the water is rising more and the worms die if they don't go on higher grounds.

    In Reality 1.0 (aka Real Life) Global Warming means that it will not only get drowned but also it will be very very warm and the people will become grumpier, just like the worms above.

    Also like in Worm 4 Mayhem Global Warming could be used as a weapon to destroy the enemy worms but a Bazooka is more ecological if you ask me :p
  13. kingboo1234

    kingboo1234 Newbie

    May 27, 2008
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    i think it would have happened ... but humans are making it faster
  14. twxlegend

    twxlegend Level III

    Dec 12, 2006
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    Effects of global warming is irreversible I'm afraid. What we can do is try to rectify this situation quickly, and there are already numerous things being done now, such as the kyoto protocol etc. And we can all do our parts by reusing and recycling.
  15. christinemarie

    christinemarie Level II

    Apr 19, 2007
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    i agree so much. i mean, we've known about global warming for YEARS and we're just now starting to act on it. ugh
  16. Adam

    Adam Level III

    Aug 14, 2007
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    OooOOoOOOOooOoOk... Do you reaaaaaaaaaly know what global warming is? Personally, I see it as a natural cycle, such as the ice age, its just being sped up, so basically, people like Al Gore are trying to get their way by exploiting the minds of the uninformed. We really shouldn't worry about global warming, honestly do you think the world will spiral into environmental chaos before nuclear destruction?

    Take a look:
  17. Virre

    Virre Level IV

    Nov 30, 2006
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    If it's faster than it's supposed to be, then it's not natural. Obviously, you don't know what Global Warming is. It is true that these things happen naturally, but when it's happening this fast, it's not natural which gives us less time to prepare for it.
    Stop using energy is not an option. Finding and start using more enviromental friendly sources of energy is. I'd like to see solar panels on every roof, small wind power plants for all the people who live on the countryside and in the meanwhile I'd like to see vegtable oil being used as a source of energy to drive cars.
    There are currently methods to power a car on vegtable oil (75% less discharge), air (0% discharge!) and even water (0% discharge). And even if you ignore all the facts about global warming and act like even though the timeline back to the industrial revolution and the global warming is a very, very, very unlikely circumstance (but let's say it is for a moment), you can't say that if we produce things that are harmful for humans, and put them out in the air and continue to do that, that everything is alright. You can't claim that we should keep releasing poison into the air because even if you don't belive in global warming, poison is still bad. CO2 is still bad. It's not good for your body so even if you don't belive that the climate changes are caused by it, you still have to acknowledge that it's bad for us. And you can't argue that we should do things that harm us.

    Also you're saying that a nuclear war is more possible to destroy humanity (or the planet). What's wrong witht hat argument you might ask? Even if the planet is completely destroyed (the planet isn't going to explode but I'm talking about less vegetation and species), people are still going to die and lose their homes because of it. What are you going to say to these people? "Move"? That's not realistic. It's like ignoring a disease and wait for the symptoms before you start the treatment. By that time, you're already sick.
  18. Adam

    Adam Level III

    Aug 14, 2007
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    I dont get what you are trying to say here... I was simply saying that nuclear devastation will probably come b4 damaging the planet catches up with us.
  19. Virre

    Virre Level IV

    Nov 30, 2006
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    What are you basing that on? That's a guess by your part. Your logic fails as you are basicly saying that we shouldn't take preventive measures as another catastrophe might occur first. I might as well say "I'm not gonna wear a helmet while riding this bike because I'll probably be hit by a train and no helmet can save me then".
  20. Adam

    Adam Level III

    Aug 14, 2007
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    Well my belief is that if religious extremists are willing to kill themselves to kill 30 others, or possible kill a few of their own in order to kill 500, who says they wont just completely nuke the entire world to kill everybody off if they get the technology, which they soon will. Although i dont believe in the type of global warming Al Gore teaches, I dont really focus too much on planitary devastation as I have lost faith in humanities survival and doubt we'll last much longer then 50 years.

    - I never said we shouldn't take preventative measures, just all this new stuff coming out (carbon credits, those "green" lightbulbs, and hybrids) is mostly just started by business owners looking to make money/dont really care about going green etc.