So I'm gonna try to learn vb6 programming....hopefully after a few weeks my goal is to be able to make a daily do-er and possibly move onto bigger things from there. I've searched these forums for a couple tutorials and found the_skips tut from like a year ago which was pretty helpfull with neopets log-ins...and i've googled some tuts as well are there any other really good google tuts or any tutorials someone has that they could link me to help me learn more/faster???
Hey, Try DO NOT POST LINKS TO OTHER FORUMS LIKE THIS, they have some good tuts and programs too. Jibber
Well I think vb6 is old and unsupported, you should just learn vb 2005. and I'm pretty sure you can get visual basic books at your library, I'm currently reading one I got from my library (chapters) and it's been a great experience