So i just get home from work, made about 300,000 np over night from igloo aber, then did all the dailies and won on pretty much all of them. Im making some pretty good profit lately. anyone else having a good day?
Its a random event that gives you a random paint brush. Unfortunately, today was just a normal day for me :/
Dotdenz i can believe the ferrari part but the other part is just pure lyingness. lol... just kidding bud.
good stuff. I actually left my igloo aber on for like 24 hours straight the other day. usually it takes around 15 hours to get my 10 max items, but 24 hours gave me like 2 items. i cried a little but then i got over it.
dont even go into the good day topic had a fucking shit day 2 exams 1 of which i have def failed and huge argument with my mum this mornin
lolgae and hiimkay you guys are 3 minutes away from eachother from the join date, and you post together in each topic something fishy is going on LOL
made like 100-200k today in igloo only left it on for a couple of hours though. oh yea what everyone got too a christmas p brush
Nothing especially wonderful has happened to me. Of course, I can't complain about anything bad happening either so I guess I'm about even. I don't really know what my goals on neo are at the moment...I think I am having a mid-neo-life crisis. Ah well, I'll figure it out tomorrow.
Made almost 200k from the Igloo last night, best RS session I've had in awhile Was so mad the time before last though, balthazar pinata was released and I didn't get it, the only item the AB missed that night...I was like COME ON!!! Been awhile since I got a pinata
I auto-adopted 2 island pets, 2 fire pets, a pink pet, and a shadow pet with a mazzew and good stats. I had a good day