Anyone heard of it? It isn't coming out in Denmark before 1-2 months or so, but I'm quite unsure if other countries have it released? Anyways, is anyone planning on getting it? My dad always want me to get the newest phones (dont ask me why, I never really use them that much. I kinda only text) - so he'd heard of this google nexus one, and it should be quite good according to the reviews. I'm just not that sure I want it. I mean, I had the iPhone, but it got stolen. I wasn't that much into it, I loved that I could have all my music on it, but that was sorta it. But I'm like a freak at geography and the nexus one should have a pretty awesome gps in it - so that would be a plus :'D Opinions?
not multitouch. that killed it for me. also it doesnt have full us 3g so i wouldnt be able to get 3g on my carrier. it seems like a pretty good phone and probably is one of the best android phones so far but i still think that the iphone dominates the sort of market the nexus is going to also, moved to the tech section
hmm I couldn't see any troubles with it missing multi-touch except for games . And I never play games at my phones xD and thanks ^^
I say Droid. I'm in love with mine <3 I don't know if its even out in Denmark though or how good it is there, service-wise on whatever carrier you need to have for it. so thats just my two cents. I actually have no clue about the Nexux One
Yeah my sisters boyfriend has the google droid. He seems to love it XD Only thing I dislike is the slide-keyboard.I could never live with a phone that had that -.- so that kinda killed it for me.
whats wrong with the slide-keyboard? I love it <3 (and you don't actually have to use it, you can use the virtual keyboard) theres also the Droid ERIS (yet agian, I don't know if thats available in your area or not) but I don't how that differs from the Nexus One...
I just think it ruins the whole design with a slide keyboard. I've always hated them XD What? Expensive data plan??
Expensive data plans kill all smartphones for me. It's the only reason I didn't geta blackberry a few years ago; $50 a month for data is more than what I pay for my minutes and texts!
^AH, that's what expensive data plans is. I dont know with you, but I paid like 1000$usd for my iPhone. I found that very expensive. The nexus one is going to cost like half here o.o
Daaaaang. That's way too much! And I heard teh Nexus one kind of sucks. Only sold 20k in the first week.
Get a Blackberry and be done with it. Sorry for being so mainstream, but there's a reason they are mainstream. They're good. I like 'em.
Engadget said that it was a pretty solid phone. Not ground-breaking by any means, but still pretty good.
$500 without a contract. Thats pretty good considering most smart phones are about $550-600 without a contract.
There was an article on lifehacker raising the point that buying the phone outright is likely cheaper than buying it with the plan. ... make-sense
Rhett's right... if you want a really good smartphone, you'll be paying for a really good smartphone and I know for certain that the Droid is not cheaper... its $600 without contract (or to replace if I break mine) ^_^