When i'm logging in, it took ages to load my neopets account, but auth is fine. and when i start the buying, it took ages to refreshes. it never happen before, just when i use my new laptop recently. anyone know what's causing this? for Igloo it usually would be pretty fast to refreshes then go straight to 'wait', but now refreshes taking way longer than 'wait'!
What about when you surf the internet regularly on your laptop? If that's slow then it's probably your laptop's wireless card that has a problem. Otherwise I don't know. Have you downloaded all the required files onto your laptop? (.net framework, libraryfiles, etc.)
my internet speed it fine... torrent download, 300kbs + (wasn't downloading when trying to use the prog) Neopets is fine...i'm sure, i tried many times... its took ages to in Logging into the username, and refreshes... its like my internet speed it very very very slow, but its not... it couldn't be ip either, i checked... firewall, turn off... Authzing it fast thou
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