YAY =D welcome ^^; I'm Freja ! hope you enjoy your stay ;D this is a good guide for newbies here on the forum -pokes- other-guides-f81/starting-out-on-neofriends-newbies-guide-t23893.html :maha:
Hey sweatpea!!! Just a few questions. 1. Do you have Xboxlive? 2. Do you have an IBY? 3. Vanilla or Chocolate? Be sure to read the rules before anything (thanks to the other dude for giving out that link) and ENJOY YOUR STAY!!!!! Be sure to save up some cash for Ricky's Flare Score Sender. It's suposed to pwn- I'm saving to get it. (Even though I already have Mobscenes and Cheesies third edition SS.... I LOVE YOU THAT MUCH RICKY!)
:lol: I was just browsing when I noticed your reply ... 1. Nope 2. Eh? 3. Both ... but for different situations