How the heck are you expected to complete the Lost Desert stamp page if the Coltzan Stamp was only released as a Lenny Conundrum prize and no one has it on the TP?!?! CHEAP! This makes me so mad inside!!!! :X: PS - there should be a really angry smilie (spelling??) to choose because this XD does not accurately reflect my current frustration
there must be some in safety deposit boxes or galleries. But you have enough to go for the stamp avvies? wowww nice and try using this smiley >
Aww. If you can afford it, try looking for those who have it in their galleries via the shop wiz (it can search galleries too ). You can also google it, see if anyone has it listed on their petpage or user lookup as something they're selling. Nice page of stamp prices: 45m. Eek.
lol i just did a check on the galleries that have them, found about 6-7 of them -- ALL collectors who will NEVER let the stamps go..damn..i guess you have to wait till someone who has it in their SDB to sell of luck finding one though.
Sigh...I am destined to have a never filled LD stamp page lol ... time to work on filling the others!