[Guide] Beginners guide to Neopet Training

Discussion in 'Neopets Guides' started by desk, Aug 21, 2009.

  1. desk

    desk Newbie

    Mar 14, 2008
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    If your just starting neopets and is wondering how everyone in battledome chat has such a high stat pet, then this is the guide for you.
    Before you start training your pet and deciding which way you will be training him, think about what you want your pets final stats to look like. Once you have decided this, create or adopt a pet of the species you want and start training.
    There are many methods for training your pet and this guide will tell you their costs, their advantages, and their disadvantages.

    Mystery Island Training School

    Cost: 3k-8k per codestone
    Level Range:1-250
    Length: 2 hours - 24 Hours

    The training school is a very reliable source of training. If you make enough np to afford the codestones, this is the place to begin your training. The time is relatively short for low levels and is still decent for higher levels. If you have enough np and want to create a well statted pet, this is the place for you.

    Swashbuckling Academy
    Cost: One Dubloon Coin-3k to 4k Two Dubloon Coin 3k Five Dubloon Coin 9k to 10k
    Level Range: 1-40
    Length:4 hours - 10 hours

    The academy was once the poor mans version of the Mystery Island Training School. Codestones and one dubloon coins dont have that large of a diference in price. However, as you go high in level, the amount to train a higher level at the academy is much less than at the training school. The Academy has a longer length for courses to complete and also has s lower range for level. Overall, the academy is good for leveling from levels 20-40 if you rather have a lower cost for a longer length of time.

    Lab Ray
    Cost: 800k-1kk
    Level Range: Any level
    Length:One "zap" per day

    The lab ray is acquired once you get all 9 pieces of the Secret Laboratory Map. The lab can change your pets species, gender, and stats. When it changes stats, your stats can go down or up. However, it does go up more than it goes down. Leveling with the lab ray may make your pet's stats unbalanced but it can make things go faster if you can keep the stats balanced with other types of training.

    Faerie Quests
    Cost: Varies
    Level Range: Any level
    Length: Instant stat given once quest is complete

    These quests are given out randomly from the different kinds of faeries. Each faerie gives a certain reward once the quest is complete.
    Earth Faerie: Makes your pet no longer hungry (Not recommended)
    Light Faerie: Gives a random pet one level
    Fire Faerie: Gives a random pet two strength
    Water Faerie: Gives a random pet two defense
    Dark Faerie: Gives a random pet two hp
    Faerie Queen: Gives a random pet three strength, three hp, and one level
    Space Faerie: Gives a random pet four levels.

    These quests are random but can be very rewarding. Complete these quests if you think the cost of completing it is worth the stats given.


    Cost:150k and up
    Level Range: Any level
    Length: Once negg is used instant stats are given

    Using neggs are a very fast way of increasing your pets stats. However, the price for one negg is pretty high. To increase a certain stat many times would create a big whole in your wallet So use neggs if you have the np and want the quick stats.
    For a list of effects for certain neggs go here:
    spankaroonietwo.com � Negg Effects

    Kitchen Quest

    Cost: Varies
    Level Range: Any level
    Length: Stats are given once quest is complete. Max of ten quests a day.

    Kitchen quests may give you some np, a random stat, or a random item. But since you can do ten a day, you will probably get a couple of random stats if you do all ten. Only complete the quest if the cost of complete is less than 10k. The kitchen quest can be a very good method of training if you have one pet because the stat is given randomly to one of your pets.

    Terror Trove Scratchcards
    Cost: 950 np-1k
    Level Range: Any Level
    Length: One level is given instantly if scratched as a prize. Only ten cards or five can be scratched a day. When i used to play it was ten but i recently heard it was just five.

    Increasing your level via terror trove can be fun but may not be the best option. When scratching a terror trove, you have a change of winning 5k,10k, a snowball, a plushie, or one level. Doing ten a day may give you a level and some thousands of np.

    *Prices may change*

    Pm me if you need any help

    Good luck and have fun training you pet!
    Toom likes this.
  2. steinn

    steinn Level I

    Jun 13, 2009
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  3. SoC

    SoC Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jan 24, 2007
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    For pets > level 250
  4. steinn

    steinn Level I

    Jun 13, 2009
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    for this reason i cant get in...
  5. Bobius

    Bobius Level I

    Oct 4, 2009
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    I remember when there was no limit on scatchcards :(

    I'd buy them in 50's, then make about 35k(So 15k loss total) and get a few levels. It's a pity they added the restriction :(
  6. rustyhouse

    rustyhouse Level I

    Nov 11, 2009
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    I have a problem, My pet gained a super bonus while training its strength and now the strength is +1 over the str > lvl by 2x. So say level is 10 strength is now 21 and the Hp is 20 and the def is 15, How may I bring the strength back to 20 so -1 other than the lab ray that way I can train the rest of the stats accordingly? My pet's actual stats are way higher than the numbers in this post I just don't want to reveal the stats so to hide any suspiciion.
  7. GrapeFruit

    GrapeFruit Level IV

    Dec 12, 2006
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    The Beach
    You can't, or rather it isn't worth it because you'd have to chance buying a stat increaser that may or may not take away strength. The only thing you can do is just train the level. I would suggest for future reference to stop training stats once they are 1-2 under the 2x level limit and train your other stats just in case you do get a bonus you don't go into the next pay scale unnecessarily.
  8. rustyhouse

    rustyhouse Level I

    Nov 11, 2009
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    Oh I agree, however, I really wanted the boost from 199 to 200 because I think that's the biggest jump in Strength from 125-200 in terms of icons. WIth the war coming I just wanted to reach the 200 strength mark but now my defence is still at 125 and my Health is at 200 instead of 300. I guess i can risk it on a stat increaser to decrease maybe or lab. Thanks for the help anyways.
  9. Resu

    Resu Level III

    Jan 6, 2009
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    Yeah, don't forget to note that it's best to have 1 BD pet only then so all the stats will go to that BD pet.
    FastBullet likes this.
  10. allantran

    allantran Newbie

    Apr 1, 2008
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    how should we set a logical ratio?between lvl/str/def/edu?