Screenie Faking 1. Paste into the URL bar of any Neopets site: javascript: document.body.contentEditable = 'true'; document.designMode = 'on'; void 0 2. Click anywhere to start modifying the text. You can delete module boxes, delete/add pictures, etc. 3. Note: NOTHING IS ACTUALLY CHANGED. This only changes what it looks like to you on that page at that moment. If you exit out of the window or go somewhere else, everything will revert back to normal. Example things that you could do ** Fake a screenie that you really do own an item ** Fake neomails ** Change around your username/Neopoints for your own fun ** Fake restock screenies ** Fake avatar events ** Create funny screenies in general ** Use your imagination > NO FREEZE RATE AS NOTHING IS SAVED :yup: Example of one that I faked quite a while back (blocked out my username, but otherwise it’s all good): EDIT: The neofriends are fake, and Veaf is not mine. Veaf belongs to anjie, and she is not my neofriend either. I just merely copied her name into there. Also, I’m not neofriends with featheralley either . Spoiler From Junior: Easy Punchbag Bob Trophy/Wins 1. Enter into a fight against Punchbag Bob 2. Paste into the URL bar: javascript:function one_submit(){return true} 3. Select your two constants to fight with and your species attack 4. Mash on the Go! button until he’s down to his last bit of HP. 5. You have to manually fight until he hits 0, because if you overshoot the mark, the fight will be over and you’ll just get ‘Invalid Fight!’ and you won’t collect your trophy as you are awarded it when you see the end fight page. However, if you already have the trophy, then this doesn’t matter. FREEZE RATE: Presumably low, as I don’t think TNT pays attention to Punchbag Bob fights very often. These are some old codes that I’ve had around for a long time and I ended up deciding, why not put it into a guide? I’m sure people have posted these before on, but I’ve had trouble finding them so if you can let me know who to credit, I’ll be happy to do that . I’ll certainly update this guide as I find more javascript snippets. Right now I’m trying to figure out how we can actually embed javascript into petpages and bypass JS filters @_@
Don’t worry, it’s fake. Anjie is the owner of Veaf and as you can see, she’s on my NF bar. Thanks for the concern though, bud!
I think the neofriends are fake also Another way to fake screenshots is to open page source, and fiddle with the HTML to change names/item images etc. Then save the page, hit reload. And Done... Probably not as easy as your way.. but just thought I'd share!! Punchbag Bob = nice though!
Yeah, the NFs are fake. No way I’d be NFs with featheralley XD. That’s definitely easier to remember, Junior and a good contribution . Added into the first post.