[Guide] Cheating on Cheat

Discussion in 'Neopets Guides' started by Rider, Mar 5, 2009.

  1. Rider

    Rider Level IV

    Jun 25, 2008
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    Canada =D
    "Feel like cheating on cheat?"

    What a catchy title, eh? So everyone here wondering how to cheat on cheat? Cheat basically a online recreation of the game we play with a deck of cards. Basically where you have to go in order placing the cards one by one, and if you cheat and don't go in order, and someone calls cheat, you pick up the whole deck of cards! First one with no cards in there hand wins!

    My method :
    -Download Firefox (If u don't have it)
    -Download the Add-on called Web Developer

    Start playing cheat as you will normally! When you get stuck or you can't play a card (Let's say you have to play a 2,3,4 but you don't have any of those), so you have to cheat right? WRONG! If you have downloaded Web Developer find the toolbar (Should be under url). Then find Forms, and in the drop down press Convert Select Elements to Text Inputs! Now say your down to your last card and it's a 2, but in order to not cheat you have to place a 4,5,6. So after you "Convert Select Elements to Text Inputs" the select box should turn to a textbox. So basically in the textbox you enter your last card number, in this case, it would be a two. Then yeah you win =D (Sorry if the end was a bit confusing!)

    These are the cards you can win :


    Trophies :

    Opponents :

    Avatar :
  2. 57gentlemens

    57gentlemens Newbie

    Mar 10, 2009
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    Works like a charm!

    It's really fast and easy, always prevents you from making a cheating action...

    Thanks a ton. =]
  3. Rider

    Rider Level IV

    Jun 25, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Canada =D
    Yup ive used this on most of my accounts and i haven't been iced for it yet.