[GUIDE] Chia Bombers Dos

Discussion in 'Neopets Guides' started by Rhett, Jun 24, 2009.

  1. Rhett

    Rhett Level IV

    Dec 2, 2007
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    [​IMG] - score of 1300+
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Chia Bombers 2 did you say water balloon violence?
    Chia bomers is one of the easiest avatars to get after actually learning the game's strategies and knowing what you're doing. There are two strategies that I know of. One if for getting the trophy, very aggressive, fairly difficult. The other is for the avatar, very easy, very breezy.

    The Games: did you say wtf?
    The controls for this game are easy to memorize and use during the game. "SPACE" for shooting a water balloon, "M" for dropping a mine, and up, right, left, and down for movement. This next piece of info is very important. You can only shoot ONE (1) balloon at a time, but once that balloon bursts, you can immediately shoot another. This means if you're facing a higher leveled chia, you can just hold down SPACE and kill him as he comes closer. Lets say your enemy is coming at you and shoots at you. You have three choices: die, hide, or shoot back. You can destroy an enemy's shot by shooting your own balloon at it which makes it a lot easier to kill enemies without worrying about dieing yourself. Suggestions?

    Chia colors: did you say racism?
    There are "levels" of Chias. For each level, they take another shot to die.
    [​IMG] - 1 shot
    [​IMG] - 2 shots
    [​IMG] - 3 shots
    [​IMG] - 4 shots
    [​IMG] - 5 shots

    Strategy 1: did you say avvie?
    Even though you will have to survive all twelve levels for this to work, it's not as hard as it sounds. You're going to want to set up mines in the formation (seen in spoiler) and 'defend your corner'. Shoot chias when you can, hide when you can't. When you beat the game, you should have 1300+ for the avatar.

    Strategy 2: did you say trofee?
    This method is a bit tougher, but not impossible. Mkay, I know this is a cop out, but I've tried three times and my recording software will not record anything. x( so here is someone else's video on how to get a perfect score. The strategy is once you've killed all the chias on that level (hopefully you're already there or one row away), you go to the top, holding space bar and the right arrow key. Notice that if you've done that, you should start the next level on the top row. Holding the space bar and right arrow key still, kill as many chias as you can. If all goes well, you should have 2-5 chias left without a lot of work.

    Tips for getting that perfect score: Type in "geoffrey" for an extra life. I recommend doing this at the start of level 1.
    Tip #2: If you're going for the perfect score/trophy, DON'T USE MINES. For each kill you get with a mine, you get less points compared to if you had killed them with a water balloon.
    Tip #3: If you're having trouble getting either the av or the trophy, try using a free trial of speedgear. This can slow down the game so if your reaction time is slow, you can make up for it. ;)

    Good luck.
    Zer0, Fexxel and lazypando like this.